Y/ns povI sat outside with a few other youtubers. We talked for bit while the others finished up. They were all going to head to wherever once everyone was done and I was just going to head to my back to my hotel. Right now they were only waiting for Dan and Phil.
"Why don't we just go now and tell them where we are? Im getting bored of waiting." I couldn't tell who said it but I just sighed. To be honest I was starting to get bored too.
"I bet they're just wrapping somethings up. Im sure they'll be out soon." I said, swinging my legs.
"If you're so sure, why don't you just go and see what they're doing." the voice from before said.
"Alright." I got up and walked back inside. There were still quite a bit of people there and I had to push through seas of people to get to where their table was. I was so relived when I got there until I saw they weren't there. I closed my eyes and sighed. I was far past exhausted to try to go back through the people but I still had to find them. I stood there trying to think of what to do when a voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Y/n? I thought you went back home a while ago. Or... Wherever you're staying." I looked up to see my black haired friend standing in front of me.
"Oh ya. Well I walked around a bit seeing as I paid good money for this and ended up chatting with some of the other youtubers out back. Then they sent me in here to find you and Dan." I told him.
"Good thing I came back then aye?" I nodded as he leaned over the table. "Dan some how forgot his phone here so I came back to get it. I completely forgot I told them we'd hang out." he stopped for a moment then looked at me. "You know, I was hoping we could hang out a bit tonight."
"Its fine. You already have plans. And since you have my number you can just talk to me whenever." I smiled sweetly at him as he stood up properly.
"You sure?" I slowly nodded. "Alright. If you say so." he quickly hugged me. "Ill text you later tonight okay?"
"Yep. Ill most likely be up." he laughed and ruffled my hair.
"Bye!" he called as he ran to somewhere.
"Bye!" I waved then froze. "Wait! Phil!" I ran after him calling his name. He stopped and I ran into him.
"You alright?" I nodded and looked up to him.
"What am I suppose to say to them?" I panted out.
"Oh. Um... How about you just hang with me until we get out there?"
"Alright. That sounds good." I stood up straight and started to walk behind him.
"Why are you going so slow, slowpoke?" I looked at Phil who was a little bit ahead of me.
"You have longer legs than me! Its not fair!" I ran to catch up with him again. He smiled down at me and grabbed my hand.
"Then I'll go the same speed as you. But if I drag you behind me its not my fault." he continued walking, his fingers intertwined with mine.
I guess he does still have feelings for me. unless he's just being nice... at least he remembers me.
I looked down and slowed my paste a bit. Phil slowed down with me and looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay? You look a little sick." he gently put his hand on my cheek and lifted my head up.
"I'm fine. Thank you though." he stood there for a moment just looking into my eyes until he looked away.
"We should get going. Dan will get worried soon." he took my hand again and speed walked to wherever Dan was.

Wait For It {Phil × Reader}
Fanfictiony/n has been friends with Phil since they were young. after having to move to Austria when they were 15, y/n desperately tries to find him again and to get some answers she's been searching for. will they still maintain the friendship they had long...