Phil's pov
We walked back to 'our' apartment in silence. Is it even our apartment anymore? Im never there. So that would make it Dans....
"Phil? Earth to Phil." Dan waved his hand in front of my face.
"What? Sorry, I was thinking of something."
"I asked you what you wanted to do once we got to the flat."
"Oh." I stopped for a moment, thinking. "We could make a gaming video. We haven't made one of those lately. I also probably need to make a video..."
"How about we make a video for the gaming channel then just hang out?" I nodded and we walked up to the apartment. I walked to the gaming room and started setting up the camera.
"A Sims video? We haven't made one in a while." I looked back at Dan, who just walked in.
"Ya. Ill open it up." Dan sat down in his chair and clicked around on the computer. I sat down on my chair as the game loaded.
"Hey Dilly." I said once the game loaded.
"Alright. 3, 2, 1."
"Hello DanandPhilGAMES alien children."
"We're back at it with the Sims!"
We played, unexpected things happening, like always. We did the end card then Dan turned to me.
"What's on your mind." he asked. I looked at him curiously.
"N-nothing. Why are you asking?"
"One, you stuttered. There's defiantly something on your mind. Two, you weren't exactly focused on the game. It was enough to pass for the video, but you were somewhere else in your mind." He stared straight into my soul, piercing the barriers that I had built.
"I just..." I quickly built those barriers up again. "Lets go watch some anime, ya?" I got up and walked to the lounge before Dan could protest. I fell back on the couch and clicked the TV on. We watched some anime for a while. I zoned out half way through, and was being shaken by Dan.
"Phil!" he screamed, worry filling his chocolate eyes.
"What?" I asked, my chest heaving. "What happened?"
"I think you had a panic attack. What were you thinking about? Please tell me."
"I... Don't know. I don't know what I was thinking about." I looked into his eye, a little bit of panic filling me up.
"Is there anything that makes you scared or you get jumpy around?" I thought of one thing when he asked that, though I kept my mouth shut. "Phil, please tell me."
"No. It's embarrassing." I muttered.
"I promise I won't laugh or anything. I'll try to help you." He weakly smiled at me, trying to convince me that he's telling the truth.
"I... I can't... Go any farther with y/n." I muttered.
"Explain." Dan said after a second.
"Like s-"
"Why? I meant why."
"Oh." I paused for moment. "I guess I don't want to hurt her. Or do something with out her consent. I don't know."
Dan was silent for a moment. "how about you just try."
"You don't think I have?"
"How has she reacted?" I was silent, knowing I didn't know for sure. Just what my brain told me it was. "See. Just try. Don't think of anything. Just let everything be her. Coat your mind with y/n."
I was quiet for a minute. "What if it doesn't work?"
"Give it a break. Talk to her about it. Do anything to calm your mind." He leaned back on the couch. "it's almost 12. We should be getting you home."
"I can get home by myself." I said.
I said my goodbyes to Dan and headed out. I walked back to y/ns apartment, thinking about what Dan said the whole time. I walked in, y/n blaring music. I walked into the lounge. Y/n was asleep on the couch. I gently placed a kiss on her head then walked to my bedroom. I closed my eyes, gently going to sleep.
~one hour later~
I had my head buried in my knees in the darkest corner of the room. I was crying my eyes out, tiny sobs falling out of my mouth. I didn't hear y/ns footsteps coming down the hall, but minutes after I started crying she was in front of me, trying to get me to say something.
But I could only get one thing, with stutters periodically.
"I spilled. Like the coffee."
So many thing revealed. And more explained next time.

Wait For It {Phil × Reader}
Fanfictiony/n has been friends with Phil since they were young. after having to move to Austria when they were 15, y/n desperately tries to find him again and to get some answers she's been searching for. will they still maintain the friendship they had long...