Y/n povI walked in and looked around the room. There were two beds, a huge TV, a few scattered chairs, and a mini fridge. The bathroom was a compleat and total mess.
"Make yourself at home. I have to find something." he went over to his suit case and started shuffling through things. I walked over to one of the beds and fell back onto it. Phil looked over at me then walked over to where I was. He pulled me up, walked me to the other bed, then sat me down.
"What... Was that?" I asked, getting into a more comfortable position.
"You laid down on Dans bed. I didn't like it so I moved you." he went back to digging through his stuff.
"Oh. What are you looking for?" I looked over at him.
He did a big sigh. "I have something to return to you. More likely give you. You forgot it at my house." I looked at him curiously. "I swear I brought it. Maybe Dan took it. He likes taking it." he made his way across the room and started going through Dans stuff.
"Isn't it an invasion of privacy to look though peoples stuff?"
"He's practically my brother. It doesn't matter." I heard the door click and saw the door handle turn.
"Hm?" he turned to look at me then followed my gaze. Dan was standing by the door, looking at Phil, a confused look on his face. "Oh. Hey Dan."
Dan waved. "What are you doing?"
"I need to find my picture. Do you know where its at?" Phil had closed Dans suitcase now. He stood up to face Dan.
"Ya. You left it on the table at home." Dan went over to his bed and laid down.
"What?! Dan, I need that!" Phil screamed while shaking him.
"Hey! Calm down! We can give it to her later right?" They both looked over to me.
I put both my hands in the air "What? I don't know where you guys live."
"London." Phil informed me."We should be able to make that work." I shrugged.
"Where do you live?" Phil got off Dan and came to sit next to me.
"London. I moved there recently."
"Alright. Then when we get back ill text you the address and you can come over and get it." He smiled at me then fell back on his bed. "What do you want to do?"
I thought for a moment. I got my phone and typed into google. Phil sat up and looked over my shoulder. I scrolled trough a page until something caught my eye.
"There's an amusement park not to far from here. We could go there." I looked back to Phil for his answer. He smiled at me.
"Do you wanna go?" I nodded my head. "Then lets go. Dan, you wanna come?"
"You guys can go. Ill stay here." he smiled shyly at us.
"You sure?" Phil looked at him with a worried expression.
He nodded. "You two go. I bet you have a lot to talk about."
"Alright. We'll be back soon, alright Dan?"
"Be back before midnight. If not you're grounded Lester." Dan teased.
"Whatever you say Howell." he opened the door and led me out. We walked down the road for a while in silence.
"Is there something wrong Phil?" I looked up at him, his eyes down and a small frown on his lips.
He looked at me and forced a smile. "Ya. This is just unusual for me."
"Do you usually not go outside and do stuff?"
"No. I actually do that quite often. Well... We usually do that quite often. I haven't gone somewhere without Dan for a while. I kinda feel guilty for not having him come with us." he looked back down.
We walked in silence for a little bit more. "What do you think Dan would want you to do?"
"I mean, would Dan want you walking around all sad and stuff?"
He stopped walking. "No... He'd want me to have fun and enjoy myself. Catch up with you." he smiled over at me.
"Then lets do that." I booped his nose as we continued walking.
"Ya. Lets." he kissed my head in return and took my hand in his.

Wait For It {Phil × Reader}
Fanfictiony/n has been friends with Phil since they were young. after having to move to Austria when they were 15, y/n desperately tries to find him again and to get some answers she's been searching for. will they still maintain the friendship they had long...