~4 years later~Y/n pov
"Y/n, lets go! I bet you look beautiful!" Phil called from outside the bedroom door. I stepped out of the bed room, still feeling like I was missing something. "See, beautiful." he pecked me on the lips before smiling down at me.
"I still fell like i'm missing something." I pondered out loud.
"Whatever it is, i'm sure it isn't all that important. Now, love, we're going to be late." he took my hand gingerly in his before dragging me out the door.
"Where even are we going?" I asked as we walked to a part of town we never go to.
"I told you earlier, im taking you to dinner." he stated matter of factly. I let out a small sigh, but didn't argue.
After a bit of walking, Phil stopped in front of a really fancy restaurant. One really out of our league.
"Phil?" I looked at him curiously. "Why are we at a fancy restaurant? We only go to these when there's a really special occasion, and those aren't even as fancy as this one."
"You'll understand in time. Right now, just focus on the moment." he placed a kiss on my head. He led me into the restaurant. "Table for Lester." he told the waiter person.
They looked down the list then nodded. "Follow me." they led us to a two seated table in an area without many people. "Your sever will be right with you."
Phil thanked them with a smile, then looked over at me. "What do you want to drink, Love?"
I scanned the menu that was placed on the table, becoming unsuccessful in finding the drinks. "Ill just have a water." Phil nodded, then sat up straight.
Our server came over after a couple minutes. "Im Hannah. Ill be your server today. What could I get you lovely two to drink?"
"Two waters please." Phil responded with a kind smile. The waiter nodded and went to get our drinks.
"I could have ordered for myself." I murmured.
"Ya, but I have to be a gentle man. Ordering stuff for you because apparently its proper to not let ladies speak for themselves." Phil whispered, making sure no one heard. I stifled a laugh.
"What do you want to eat? I have to order that too and I don't want to be like 'ya, I need more time.' cuz then I end up getting more time than I actually need and then im just sitting there being bored." he stopped. I was unable to tell if his mini rant was over or if he just needed a breath.
"You'll never be bored when im around." I joked, causing a small smile onto his lips. "And ill just have a (pasta/salad of choice)."
"Okay." he looked down at his menu. "I think ill get spaghetti." I responded with a nod at his useless information.
A few minutes later, the waiter came back with our drinks. She placed them on the table. "Do you what you want to eat? Or do you need more time?"
"Uh, ya. Ill have a spaghetti and the miss will have (pasta/salad)" Phil responded.
The waiter nodded and went away again.
I picked up my straw and pulled the top half of the wrapper off. "Surprise attack!" I exclaimed as I blew the wrapper straight into Phil's face. It floated nicely to the table.
"Thanks." he sarcastically spoke, picking up the wrapped and throwing it back at me.
We talked until they brought our food out. After that we had conversations on and off. After we finished eating and we got the bill, Phil paid, even though I insisted on paying for my food.
He led me down to a quiet part of the city. Not many people were here. Just a few people walking down the street here and there.
"I still don't understand why you took me out." i said, looking down at our intertwined hands.
"You shouldn't right now, love. If you found out right now, id be quite surprised and disappointed in myself. You'll find out soon I promise." he stopped walking and looked at me for a moment. Then he gave me a quick kiss and started walking again.
We walked to a pretty lake. One he took me to before. "Come lay down with me?" he asked. I showed him a small smile, answering a silent yes. We walked over to the edge of the lake and laid down, dragging me down next to him. We laid down together, side by side. "The stars are beautiful, aren't they?" Phil whispered.
"Ya. They are." I whispered back.
There was another moment of comfortable silence.
"Y/n?" I looked over at Phil. He was propped up on his elbows, looking at me with a serious look. I looked at him curiously. "Um... I have a present for you if you could sit up a little." I held myself on my elbows so I was mimicking Phil. "I really hope you like it."
"What is it?" I asked, my curiosity driving me insane.
Phil pulled out a small box. He played with it for a moment before snapping it open, revealing a silver banded ring with a tiny diamond in the middle of it.
"I know this isn't really the proper way to do it, but... Will you marry me?" he showed a nervous smile, paired with a nervous gleam in his eyes.
I just stared at him blankly while I was freaking out in my head.
"I-i mean, I could do it properly. I could come up with some long paragraph thing and get on one knee and stuff. That wouldn't really change your answer though. I guess I could w-" I cut him off by kissing him.
"Of course, Philly." I whispered to him. He looked at me confused. "Ill marry you. With pleasure."
He laughed to himself. "Thank you, love." he placed a small kiss on my lips. "Want to put it on?" I just smiled and nodded. He took the ring out of the box and slid it on my finger, the biggest smile on his face the whole time.
"I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Philly."
LAST CHAPTER!!!! Really long paragraph thing tonight or tomorrow.

Wait For It {Phil × Reader}
Fanfictiony/n has been friends with Phil since they were young. after having to move to Austria when they were 15, y/n desperately tries to find him again and to get some answers she's been searching for. will they still maintain the friendship they had long...