Y/n povI let go of his hand and stepped back. In all of the confusion my brain could only come up with one question. "Why?"
"Its- it's hard to explain. It's not that i-i don't love you anymore. I do. It's just- something- i, ugh, I can't explain it y/n. It's just- we have to." He refused to make eye contact with me. I looked at him, hoping it was some kind of sick joke. But by the way the tears rolled down his cheeks and the way he spoke, I knew he wasn't.
"That's not an answer. If you still love me then why are you doing this?" I tried to see his tear-filled eyes, my own threatening some to fall.
"I'm sorry." Seemed to be all he could mutter out.
"Fine." I said, moving past him and out the door. I know I just left him in my own apartment but I couldn't stay there. Hopefully he found some comfort there.
I made my way down a few roads till I was at the door of who I felt was one of my last trusted friends. I knocked on the door, a few tears slipping out.
As soon as the door opened I hugged them, letting everything out. He slowly hugged back.
"It'll be okay. You're going to be okay." He whispered into my hair. Once I was calmed down a little, he spoke again. "what happened?"
"Ph-phil broke up with me." I said quickly before crying again.
Dan hugged me tighter, no longer whispering comforting words. He was just quietly shh-ing me, in a nice way.
I just cried more though.
Phil's POV
I stood in front of the door for a bit, tears silently falling down my face. Though, as soon as I felt the emptiness inside me grow, I fell to my knees, bawling. She hadn't even been gone a minute and I was destroyed. Probably because I knew I'd probably never see her again.
I pulled myself together and shakily stood. I walked to ou- the bedroom and fell down on the side y/n would sleep on.
"I'm so sorry y/n." I muttered through tears as I burrowed my head in the pillow. "I'm so so sorry."
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned it on. The lock screen came up, y/n smiling at me through it. I cought my sob in the middle of itself.
"I'm sorry. I have to protect you though. I already miss you. Trust me."
Its 2 am where I am but I can't sleep.
May as well update this, right?

Wait For It {Phil × Reader}
أدب الهواةy/n has been friends with Phil since they were young. after having to move to Austria when they were 15, y/n desperately tries to find him again and to get some answers she's been searching for. will they still maintain the friendship they had long...