Y/n povI laid on my couch in my apartment, watching Phil's new video. In the middle of it I got a text.
Philly: hey! Where are you right now?
I looked at it really weird.
Me: my apartment... ?
Philly: I was wondering if you wanted to go to Starbucks with me.
Me: um....
Philly: please baby :(
Me: how about in a few
Philly: seconds?
Me: no. Minutes.
Philly: I guess :(
Me: hey, its your fault. Im still watching your video.
Philly: you always have videos. Im not going to be here all the time.
Me: says you. See ya in a bit.
Philly: see ya. Im picking you up though.
Me: fine.
I swiped out messages and went back to Youtube to finish the video.
Only a few minutes after the video ended I heard a knock on the door. I got up and answered it. Phil was standing there, a huge smile on his face.
"Hey Love!" he said, his smile growing wider.
"I didn't text you saying I was ready. Im still in my pj's, Phil"
"No worries. Ill just wait in here while you get ready." I sighed and let him in. I shut the door behind him."Ill be in my room getting dressed if you need anything." he nodded. I ran up to my room and quickly started to get ready. Once I was done I checked myself over in the mirror. I opened my door, about to walk out, but Phil was standing there, ready to knock on the door.
"I n-need to pee..." he started awkwardly.
"Down the hall to the left." I spoke before he could finish. He nodded slightly then walked down the hall. I walked back into my room and brushed my hair a little bit more, to make sure all the tangles where out. I walked out and headed down to the front door. Phil was already there leaning against the wall, doing something on his phone. He looked up at me and smiled.
"You look beautiful." he muttered as he stood up straight and took my hand.
"And you look more handsome than the last time I saw you." I locked the front door then walked with Phil.
"I hope that's a good thing."
"It is Idiot. I was calling you handsome. Although I would say you're more hot than handsome." I smiled up at him as he gently shoved me.
"Shut up." his face was turning a light shade of red now.
"Sorry. It hasn't even been half an hour and im already flirting with you. Shows how much I've wanted to see you these last few months." I gave him a playful glare.
"Ha, ya, uh sorry about that. I've been super busy lately. This was really my first 'free' day. Though I have something to do later this evening." he looked down to the ground, a small frown on his lips.
"Its fine Phil. Just 5 minutes with you would be enough." he weakly smiled down at me as I beamed one back.
"Thanks Y/n. But I do feel bad because im not spending enough time with you. Hell, I'll make plans then have to cancel them! Im making it seem like I don't want to be with you. But I do." he looked down at me, a look of desperation clouding his eyes.
"I know you do. You're just busy. I get it."
"Im not going to be as busy hopefully by next month. We can hang out everyday then. We can do that, right?" a small smile, that I could tell was real, was now on his face.
"Should be able to. There might be a day or two where I have to do something but we should be able to make it work." his smiled grew as he pulled me closer to him. There was barley any room between us now but I didn't mind.
"So after we get a drink we'll go to one of our flats and hang out until I have to leave. Sound good?"
I nodded my head. "I vote my place so you don't have to walk me home before you go where ever."
"Very thoughtful of you. We'll do that since you voted for it."
"Yay!" I cheered as we walked into the Starbucks. "I want a pumpkin spice latte (if you don't like that get something else). Ill go find us a seat." I pulled my wallet out to give him money to pay for it, but he quickly pushed my hands down. I looked up at him, confused.
"Its on me. I insist." I stood still for a minute debating whether i should let him pay or not.
"I do like free stuff." I muttered to myself.
"See. Its free for you, Love. Now go find us a seat, okay?" he placed a kiss on top of my head then pushed me away before I could argue. I walked to a table and sat down. I glared at Phil. He looked back at me and tilted his head a little.
I glared harder at him.
He shook his head, with a small smile, and turned to order our drinks. He stood up at the counter and waited for them. He talked to the barista a little, seeming to enjoy it. My glare hardened once again, practically boring into his soul. He turned to me, his eyes shining with curiosity and innocence. The barista gave him our drinks and he walked away with them, but not before saying bye to her.
"Why do you keep glaring at me? What did I do?" he asked as he sat across from me. He slid me over my cup and I took a long, dramatic sip.
"Well at first it was to just play with you. But then you started talking to that girl and I didn't like it." i took another sip, silently taking in the goodness.
A smirk found its way onto Phil's lips. "Someone's jealous." he sang in a teasing way.
"What? No." I turned from him and looked out the window.
"Its fine, Love. You can be jealous. You're adorable when you're jealous." I felt a small blush start to cover my cheeks. He took my hand in his and smiled over at me. "Lets go back to your flat. Then I can be all yours." he booped my nose with the last word and stood up.
I followed him out of the store, then I led the way back to my apartment.

Wait For It {Phil × Reader}
Fanfictiony/n has been friends with Phil since they were young. after having to move to Austria when they were 15, y/n desperately tries to find him again and to get some answers she's been searching for. will they still maintain the friendship they had long...