The Ridiculousness of Love

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{Chapter Two: The Ridiculousness of Love}

The sun illuminated the outdoor training grounds. Grunts and groans could be heard throughout the field.

There are three forms of fighting: hand to hand combat, with the use of weaponry, and the usage of special 'gifts' or extra abilities. For today's training, I decided to focus on weaponry fighting. Weaponry fighting consist of guns, daggers, blades, and my favorite: swords. Yes, yes, I understand that swords are a little outdated but a sword laced with werewolf venom is as efficient as a bullet through a vampire's heart.

I gripped my sword tighter and looked up at my opponent. Emmett. He has a huge physique, standing at 6'4" and carrying 197 pounds of pure muscle. He's huge, yes, but not a great threat.

I crouched down and Emmett did the same. "The trick is to never lose your opponent. Keep him in your view, because if you lose them for a split second, that could be your neck," I coached. Emmett nodded.

"Ready?" I asked. A form of thrill sprouting in my gut.

"Yes ma'am," he responded. I let out a growl.

I charged forward at the same time Emmett did. We were both practicing sword combat. Our blades connected in a thunderous clash. Emmett used his body to force me back a few inches. I used my right leg to kick him in the stomach, forcing him to slide back a few feet.

I twisted my sword in my hand and held it tight again. "Stay focused, Emmett!" I commanded. I then decided to play the attacker and ran towards him. Our blades clashed again but this time Emmett didn't back down. Good. We kept going at it. I throwing the swings, and Emmett blocking them. "Very good. Now try to finish me off," I tempted.

Emmett clenched his jaw and charged towards me. He swung at me and I blocked it. I avoided his hits and he avoided my kicks. He swung at me again and I jumped a few feet back. I took advantage of the distance between us and ran towards him. He was getting ready to swing at me again when I dropped myself to the floor on my side and slid between his legs so I was behind him. I stood up immediately and kneed him from behind causing him to fall on his knees. I gripped his chin from behind and lifted his head up so as to expose his neck. I pressed the tip of my blade into his neck and whispered, my chest heaving up and down, "Better luck next time."

He groaned as I let him go. He stood up and we both stepped off the black training mats. He turned to leave when I called him.


"Yes ma'am?" he turned around to face me.

"You did well. Train harder with my brother and you shall be a worthy opponent one day," I complimented.

He grinned. "You really think so?"

I paused.

"I know so. You are being trained by Prima Lucé's finest agents," I said. "By the end of your third year, it is guaranteed that you'll be a Classified Agent."

Emmett stood up straight, and saluted me. "Thank you, ma'am," he thanked me.

I saluted him back. "You are dismissed."

I looked around me. All 588 members of the SSS Army were sparing in teams of two. Today was the day where both halfs of the SSS Army were training together, hence the reason why we were outside and not inside the training room, since the training room is too small for a huge session such as this one.

Normally, the 588 members are divided into two groups, that way it is easier to train, but since I was present, Jackson decided it was best if we united both halfs. I glanced around the field, my brother has indeed kept my army in shape. I looked up at the sun. It was beginning to set. I scowled and then clenched my jaw, time to go back to work.

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