Unexpected Surprise Part Two

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Chapter 32

Hansel's POV

The sun began to rise over the horizon illuminating the billions of acres I will one day rule. I sighed and leant my forehead against the cool glass, things weren't suppose to occur like this. I was supposed to bring Catherine back with me so that we could both rule together but she hated the fact that I was a Prince. Millions of women would've rejoiced at the thought of dating a Prince but no, not Catherine. She's different and it only deepened my love for her further.

Then I was supposed to resign to my position as Prince just for her, but then she decided to push me away and shoot me in the arm. I was shocked she had done it in the beginning, but when I saw the fury and hatred in her eyes I knew that I had to give up. Catherine hated me more than she could ever love me and it's all my fault. So I left, I gave her what she's always wanted from me, her liberty. I even went to the extremes of sending her the divorce papers just so she could feel relieved at knowing she wasn't tied down to me anymore.

Because while she feels relieved, I am killing myself every second by savoring all my memories of her knowing that I will never have her in my arms again. That I will never be able to kiss her or tell her that I loved her. That I love her because I still do. God, I'm crazy about this woman. She entices me in every way possible, she never ceases to amaze me. As she forced information out of Romero, I had to struggle to hide my hard on, she looked damn right sexy when she was pissed. It took my every will to not push her against the wall when we were in the hallway and kiss her senseless.

Catherine is my all. I love her and when you really love someone all you ever wish for is their happiness and that's what I'm doing. I'm making sure Catherine gets what she's always wanted so that she could live the life I delayed her from. Catherine is it for me, if I can't have her then I don't want anyone else. But I still need to make sure she is fine so I have eyes on her to calm me a little since I can't be there personally to protect her.

Because even if she doesn't want me anywhere near her, I will always be there to make sure she is safe.

The knocking on my office door pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Who is it?" I called, not really focusing. Her reddish brown hair, those beautiful blue eyes...

"Teretto," he replied. Teretto was the third in command over the Royal Army. The first being myself and the second being Benjamin but he is out with Ashley for a few months. Something about spending time with the love of his life. If only I could be with mine...

"Come in," I ordered. The door opened and I heard his footsteps near me until he stopped.

"Sir, we have whereabouts concerning Ms. Catherine," he spoke.

"Is she still at the SSS?" I asked. Teretto hesitated before answering.

"I'm afraid not, sir," he said. I spun around to face him. He was a tall man, almost as tall as me, with dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Where is she?" I asked, worried. Why did he look uncomfortable?

"Sir, remains of her car were found on Earth," he explained. I sighed.

"Her car blew up along with Romero's mansion," I reasoned.

"No. I have reports of her fixing her car in the garage at the SSS. And I'm afraid the accident occurred last night, sir," he notified me. My body tensed. Last night? Was she in the car? Is she hurt? Is she okay? I began running.

"Are you sure it's her car?" I asked as I ran towards the garage.

"Yes," he answered and ran next to me. We got inside the first truck that came to my view and I started heading to the enchanted road that would transport us to Earth.

"Where?" I growled as I stepped on the gas pedal further. Teretto began messing with the GPS on the dashboard.

"I just locked in the coordinates, sir," he said. I glanced at the screen and transported us to Earth. I followed the directions and we reached the crime scene in ten minutes with my driving. My heart was beating erratically, my Catherine could be injured or worse...

No. Don't think like that. I jumped out the car as soon as I cut off the engine and dashed to the nearest agent.

"What happened?!" I barked as I inspected the scenery around us. Agents surrounded the perimeters and searched for any clues.

"Her car missed the sharp turn up ahead and fell down the hill," he pointed at the road where it had a very sharp left turn, "The car caught on fire and sir," he paused glancing at me, worriedly.

"What is it?! Tell me!" I urged.

"Sir, we found ashes... We believe it may be hers," he answered.

"No, it can't be," I shook my head. I dashed to the edge of the road and glanced down at the totaled car, almost unrecognizable.

"There's no proof that she was in the car," I reminded them. The same man walks up to me holding two objects.

"This is what remained," he said handing me a rectangle card. I flipped it over and I recognized it immediately, it was Catherine's SSS Identification Card. The edges were burnt and her smiling face stared up at me.

No. It can't be.

"She was seen exiting the SSS wearing the identification card, sir. And we also managed to retrieve this," he said handing me an envelope. It was burnt around the edges and I pulled out the papers in it. The title made my blood run cold.

Marriage Annulment

"The mailman said to have given her the envelope before she left the SSS, sir," he told me.

I looked at the bottom of the page and my body began to shake when I saw her signature in the bottom. I growled and clenched the papers in my hand.

"No! NO! She's not dead! SHE CAN'T BE! KEEP SEARCHING! Look for footprints! Scents! Torn cloths! Anything that could mean that she survived because she isn't dead! She CAN'T be DEAD!" I yelled at the agents surrounding me. I glared at the man in front of me.

"SHE ISN'T DEAD," I growled, lowly. I felt my eyes glow their dangerous shade of blood red. He took a step back and nodded.

"We'll keep searching, sir," he rushed out before turning around and commanding more men to search for any indications that would give us the spark of hope that she survived. I closed my eyes as tears threatened to come out. I clenched my fists as my body began to shake.

She can't be dead! NO! SHE CAN'T!

I faintly hear Teretto walk up to me.

"Do you want to send the Army to search for her?" Teretto asked me.

"Yes! I don't care if I have to flip Earth upside down. Catherine IS alive and we WILL find her. Search under every rock and stone, we have to find the love of my life," I growled. Teretto nodded and spun on his heel.


But what if she is?


And if she is?

My heart stopped as I felt something jiggle inside the envelope I was holding. I opened the bag and poured it's contents into the palm of my hand.

Her ring.

Her wedding ring.

The diamonds glistened up at me.

And if she is, I'm right behind her.

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