Giving In

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Chapter 25

Right after Jackson left Benjamin and Ashley left as well. That left Hansel and I alone. I looked at the clock it read 7 pm. Shit. We've been in the SSS the whole day! I began to do the math in my head. Romero took me to Mountain View Peak past midnight. By the time Romero and I got home it was already dawn. Then with the whole Madeline incident... Yep, these past few hours have been eventful. I sighed for the what felt like the hundredth time. Hansel hasn't spoken a word to me. We've been in silence for a complete two minutes when I had enough. I stood up from my chair.

"Well, I must get going now," I began walking to the door.

"No. We need to start heading to Romero's. I was notified an hour ago that Romero will be back by midnight," Hansel told me and began leading the way out the conference room. I followed him.

"Alright. But first let me go to my room and change," I requested. Since when do I ask him for permission? Odd.

"There's no time. Come on let's just go," Hansel insisted and stepped inside the elevator. I followed inside. I frowned. I was still wearing the red silky robe and I wanted to wear more clothes. I felt naked. It's not that I wasn't confident about my body, it just felt weird.

"Please? I feel... Exposed," I pleaded as he pressed the button for the garage.

He said nothing. Surpringly, this elevator ride was empty. No other SSS agent stepped inside. Odd. Maybe they are helping prepare things for Jackson's wedding. My wedding. The doors dinged open and we walked to my car. Then realization hit me.

"I don't have my car keys with me," I informed Hansel. Hansel said nothing again but just reached inside his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He unlocked my car.

"Hey! Since when do you have keys to my car?" I asked as we entered the car. He replied nothing. Why isn't he speaking to me? The drive to Earth was silent. And then the drive to Romero's was painfully quiet. What the hell?! As soon as Hansel cut off the engine I got out my car. I slammed my door shut and began storming up the porch steps. I heard him sigh.

"Catherine," Hansel called to me. Now it was my turn to ignore him. I stormed into the huge lobby.

"Cath," Hansel tried again. I heard his footsteps behind me. I dashed up the stairs and through the maze like halls. Once I reached Romero's bedroom I tried closing the door behind me. But before I could close the door completely a shoe blocked my way.

"Cath, please.We need to talk," he pleaded again. I hissed and stopped trying to push the door closed. I raised my hands up in the air and groaned.

"Oh! Now you want to talk," I retorted and walked to my dresser. I stared at him through the reflection in the mirror.

"Cath, you have to understand-" he began.

"Understand?! Understand what? That you feel like you can control my life because you are the heir of Prima Lucé?!" I shouted at him.

"What? No!" he defended.

"Then enlighten me! What should I understand? Because at this point I understand shit!"

I glared at his reflection in the mirror. Hansel's eyes turned bright red and next thing I know I'm being turned around to face him. A low growl rumbles in his chest. His hands dig into my thighs and I let out an involuntary gasp as one million nerves became electrified and brought back to life.

"What you need to understand is that I am burning with jealousy," he growls and lifts me up so I'm siting on the dresser. All my perfumes and makeup fall to the ground. He steps in closer so that he's in between my legs. His nose skims my neck and I suck in a deep breath.

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