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I am sad but proud to say that this is the end of Fervent Passion.

The story of two vampires who without knowing each other's true identity, fell in love.

I believe there are still several unanswered questions like:

~Why was Jack (the little blonde boy from the flashbacks) mentioned in this story if he wasn't as revelent to the plot?

~Where is Jackson?

~Where is Catherine's mom?

~Will Catherine ever forgive her father?

~Will Catherine have a boy or girl?

~What about Klaus?

And probably several more questions but ladies and gentlemen, I planned this all out. Therefore I want to introduce you to...

The GUARDIANS on Earth (Book 2 of the Fervent Passion series)

I will be posting the first chapter in a few weeks, since I've only written the first seven chapters and still editing, but I would really appreciate it if you can help me come up with a story cover for The GUARDIANS on Earth. I will also be going back to edit and add images to the previous chapters of Fervent Passion so feel free to reread and click the Vote button!

Thank you so much for the support given throughout this book and I will like to send a special thank you to those readers that voted for almost all the chapters, you know who you are :), and a very special thank you to my friend Rory who without her motivational words, I would have never posted up more chapters after Chapter 3.

So as a little treat I will give you a little insight of the Prologue for The GUARDIANS on Earth:


I never believed that my life would take such a drastic turn. Only seven years ago did I meet my true love. Only seven years ago did I fake my death, both Catherine Lexandrie Wilburg's and Baby Doll's death. Only seven years ago did I conceive my first child with the love of my life. So tell me again how my life made such drastic turns and now I have lost everything that I have ever loved?

One person.

One enemy.

One name.


He forced my family and I to take drastic measures. His sudden appearence made Hansel and I do the one thing we promised not to do: join the force and leave our children behind.

Seven years ago, the name Klaus first appeared when my mission target, Romero, admitted that he was working for a force outside of Earth and Prima Lucé. A force that sought to take over Earth and then Prima Luce. A force invincible, a force that not the SSS, the Secret Supernatural Service, nor the Royal Army could take down. What Romero did not count on though was that the King had a back up plan: The GUARDIANS on Earth. The General Urgent Association Recruitment Devoted In Acquiring National Safety on Earth. Because Earth is our main priority.

Our ancestors decended onto Earth mileniums ago and created this huge mess where humans and the supernatural live together. Where the Supernatural needs to live in hidding. So if we fix the mess that our ancestors caused all those hundreds of years ago, not only will we right their wrongs, but we will be able to return to our home. To our true home, Asgardia. The place we shouldn't have left in the first place.

What people may not understand however, is that even the most heartless of creatures, even the most merciless animals have a home. Have created a home. A family. Like me.

But this war is taking that away from me. My children. My husband. My children, I can visit them, hug them, kiss them, tell them how much I miss them and how much I love them. But my husband... I can't.

How can tell your husband that you love him, that your kids are missing him, and that you cannot wait until this war is over so that you could resume the happy life that you two had together? It's very simple, actually.

You don't.

At least not when your husband doesn't remember you.

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