Hansel of Prima Lucé

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Chapter 20

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw were a pair of green eyes. Hansel grinned and pulled me closer to him. He buried his face into my neck and smelt me.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me," he whispered as he pulled away.

"I thought I would be a goner," I confessed and looked at the torn material of my dress. My dress had blood stains and three holes.

"You were, for ten seconds," Hansel replied.

"What? How am I still alive?" I gaped at him.

"I healed you," he answered. Right, he's a prince. He could do that. I stood up.

"Thank you," I said and lifted the three bullets off the ground. I hissed as it burned me and I dropped them on the floor.

"What the hell?" I cussed and rubbed my hands against my dress. I ripped a piece of my dress off and used the cloth to grab the bullets. I inspected them.

"I'm going to have these analyzed. Whatever these bullets have, they didn't allow me to heal," I told Hansel as I covered the bullets. Hansel stood up and gripped my arm.

"Cath, we need to talk," Hansel said.

"No we don't. There's nothing left to talk about. Your a prince and I'm pretty sure you have other things to do," I hissed and pulled my arm away from him. I began walking in the direction of the cars.

Hansel sighed and followed me. He spoke nothing, not even a peep. That's odd, I thought he would beg for me to go back to him. I guess he really does have better things to do. The cars came to my view and I glanced at the candle lit table.

Tonight was suppose to be perfect. The candles and torches were no longer lit up. The moon was covered by clouds. The meadow was dark. I opened my car door.

"Thank you for tonight. It didn't go as planned but it was a beautiful nonetheless," I said and glanced at Hansel. He was leaning against his car, arms crossed, and with a poker face.

"No problem," he grunted out. I nodded and got inside my car. I started the ignition and drove off.


I walked into my bedroom and headed to the restroom. I walked to the mirror and began inspecting the cut on my throat. It had already healed, it was only the dry blood that I had to remove.

When I arrived at the SSS, I walked directly to Sanz and Cortez. I gave them the bullets to inspect. I want to know why I couldn't heal fast enough. I heard my bedroom door open.

"Happy Birthday, Cath!" Jackson said as he entered the restroom. I turned to face him.

"Oh crap! What the hell happened to you?!" he exclaimed as he walked up to me. I shrugged.

"Got shot, almost died, and Prince Hansel healed me," I replied, sourly. Jackson stared at me and grinned.

"Hansel told you already," Jackson stated. I walked around him and headed to my room.

"You mean, Prince Hansel," I hissed back. I walked to my dresser and saw a brown folder. I grabbed it. It read: Vanessa and Anthony Guerrero.

"Wow, look at all of these roses. Did Hansel get them for you?" Jackson asked as he walked to a vase and admired the roses.

"Unfortunately yes," I grumbled out and looked around my room. The scent of roses was overwhelmingly good.

"Why are you so upset?" Jackson asked me as he sat down on my bed.

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