The Bachelor's Party

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Chapter 26

My heels clacked as they touched the wooden floor. I kept the same rhythm as I ventured down the halls of the SSS, the Secret Supernatural Service, the closest thing I have to a home. Then again, I gave up the idea of having a home a long time ago. I was in the Track and Records Floor looking for Jackson or Ruby, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

It was approximately 7:30 pm. I had came to Prima Lucé with Hansel at three, like we had agreed. Once we arrived at the SSS Headquarters, Hansel left to get ready for Jackson's bachelors party. I, however, was notified by a very stressed Romina that she had seen Jackson enter the Track and Records floor when instead he should be in a strip club somewhere out there. And so me, being myself, came to investigate why he was here. I turned one last corner when I suddenly heard hushed whispers.

"Jackson I-" a female voice spoke.

"Ruby, please, I love-" Jackson's voice pleaded. I followed their voices down the hall and stopped outside the coffee room. Really, Jackson? So cliché. I pressed my back against the wall next to the door and listened in on their conversation.

"Don't say you love me, Jackson. Don't you dare," Ruby spoke slowly.

"Why not? It's true!" Jackson said exasperated. I heard sobbing come from Ruby. She was crying.

There was silence for a minute.

"Because I can't stand realizing that in a few hours, I'm going to lose you forever," she whispered.

"You won't lose me Ruby! Never! I'm all yours because I love you Ruby! I love you! And you know that if there was a way for us to leave together without you getting harmed I would take it in a heartbeat. I love you, Ruby," he whispered harshly, "And nothing will ever change that."

"You really shouldn't be saying those things, Jackson. You're getting married tomorrow," Ruby said.

"With someone I'm not in love with," he retorted. Okay, seems like they need some good news. I was about to step out of my hiding place when Ruby mumbled.

"You're not making this any easy."

"What do you mean," my brother asked, quizzically.

"How could something so good come at such a bad time?" she spoke to herself.


"I have something to tell you, Jackson," she began.

"What," he asked, cautious.

"I'm pregnant," she gasped out, "You're going to be a dad."

I slapped my hand over my mouth to hold in my gasp. Jackson is going to be a dad... Ruby is pregnant. Jackson's going to be a dad! My eyes began to water, this is such wonderful news! But Ruby is right, how could something so good come at such a bad time? Hell, I'll make it a good time.

"What? Are you serious? Ruby! That is magnificent news! Baby, we are going to be parents!" Jackson cheered. I heard him kiss her. I smiled and felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Jackson," Ruby sobbed.

"What's wrong, Baby? Are you in pain? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?" Jackson asked, worried.

"Yes, I'm in pain," she cried out.

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked, frantically.

"Your getting married."

I took that as my cue and wiped my tears away. I stepped away from the wall and entered the coffee room.

"No he's not," I smirked. I analyzed their embraced form. Jackson was hugging a crying Ruby as they were pressed against the counter. Ruby had her hands on my brothers chest and Jackson embraced her protectively.

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