Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Queen McKayla Angelina Zandler


            I woke up this evening hearing heartbeats, I don’t remember the twins coming back to the room. I looked over to their cage and saw them gone. I frantically started shaking Ethan and whispering his name, thinking more slayers got into the room when we were asleep.

            “I’m up. What do you want?”  He grumbled too loud, the slayers could have heard him.

            “I hear heart beats,” I barely whispered trying to make up for his loudness.

            “It’s only the twins. Give me ten more minutes.”  He grumbled again turning his back away from me.

            I yanked as hard as I could tugging him over onto his back, hoping he would at least open his eyes. “The twins are not in there kennel.”  I snarled quietly.

            “I know, there on the couch. So be quiet they’re still sleeping.”  He whispered back, I could hear the frustration in his words.

            I was going to stay quiet, take his last statement as a hint, but then it hit me.           “They’re on the couch?”  I asked in shock.

            “Please, McKayla. Just ten more minutes.”  He pleaded, rolling the rest of the way over toward me, trying to snuggle. I wasn’t tried anymore.

            “Why are they on the couch?”  I asked again, letting my excitement be shown through my words this time.

            I felt him tighten his grip on me before speaking, I am starting to really hate that, it’s never a good sign. “Because you, Sarah and Alexis haven’t gotten them their bunk beds yet.”

            I was not expecting that. I didn’t know to respond, this had to be some type of joke. “Me, Sarah and Alexis?”  He has never let me go out without him.

            “Unless you’d rather go to the trials?”  He said sarcastically.

            I continued to watch him, waiting for him to give up the joke. His expressions didn’t so much as flinch, he was serious. “I’m going shopping without you!”  I shouted. I couldn’t hide how ecstatic I was.

            “Yeah, and I love you too,” He grumbled. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings.

            He suddenly let me go and I pounced up out of bed dancing and cheering, “I’m free.”  It’s been more than seventeen years since I’ve been able to go out for a girl’s night without Alex or Ethan following close behind.

            As soon as I saw Ethan walking in the closet asking the stunned twins something, I lunged for the phone. I had to call Sarah.

            As soon as she answered there was no hello. “We’re having a girl’s night!”

            “I know!  Isn’t it great?” I shouted back, her excitement made me even more excited. I saw Ethan out of the corner of my eye peek out of the closet, looking at me as if I was some kind of idiot. I didn’t care, the twins were looking at the same way.

            “So did you find out what the catch is?  Jay keeps insisting that there isn’t one.”

            “I don’t know, I didn’t ask?”   I answered, trying to think of anything Ethan could come up with. Ethan doesn’t do anything this nice without a catch. “Ethan! What’s the catch?”  I could feel my anger boiling inside me.

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