Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It took about a week to get through all the third and 2nd degree tortures and as I guessed, the kids enjoyed their turns. I only gave them a couple of 3rd degree tortures to do, seeing it was their first time. I wanted to make sure all the others were taken care of right. Alexis was timid about the whole thing at first, but once she got in the right mindset she did good. Michael on the other hand went head first in to it and just beat the shit out of them. Their actions were a mixture of their mother’s the first few times she got a try. If McKayla knew the person and they personally upset her, she went in head first swinging and kicking, never planning, ending the whole sentence too quickly. If McKayla was afraid of her victim and it would took some convincing to get her in the right mind set, but once she was, she did good, sometimes too good. As I watch her now sleeping peacefully amongst the soft dusk light, looking like an innocent child, I can’t help but think of the time she got her way with her grizzly man, Henry and his accomplice, Travis. It was the first time she was down in the 1st degree torture chambers. She was human at the time and it was the first time a human who was not being tortured was ever down there. A lot happened that day.

“You want to cut him?” I was pacing the room since I woke up that night trying to come up with a way to convince her to torture the man who kidnapped her on her own accord.

“No.” She answered simply, I questioned if she was even paying attention to me anymore.

“I’ll let you cut him in the groin. Cut off his manhood.” I was trying to persuade her any way possible. I normally would not approve of those actions. We needed more humans, even if the man should not reproduce. I was beginning to become desperate.


“You want to break the arm and dislocate the shoulder of the man who did it to you?” I knew both the men probably had dislocated shoulders already from hanging by their arms for a few days, but all I needed to do was get her down there.


“You want to do anything to any of these men that they did to you?” I asked in defeat.


“You want to watch?”


“Can you say anything more than no?”

“I don’t want to see them again, much less be near them.” She was paying attention.

“You don’t want payback?”

“Can’t you just leave them locked up?”

“As much as I love and adore your innocence, this is pathetic. You will at least be there.” Her innocence is what drew me to her, but this was insanely ridiculous. “You know Sarah had a miscarriage, because of that little riot. She took a hit to the stomach.” She needed to get revenge and I figured since she never thought of herself, maybe she would do it for her best friend.

“Why didn’t she tell me?”

“She didn’t want you to worry about her. She didn’t want me to tell you either.”

“Is she okay?” This was not the way it was supposed go.

“She was only a month along, she’ll be fine. Most woman don’t even know their pregnant that early.” I had to try to make it sound as if it wasn’t a big deal, even if Sarah took the news horribly, I didn’t need her feeling bad for a friend, I needed her angry.

“Where is she?”

“She’s with Nick. They got a nice room. There is no pressure on her to get pregnant again right away. Actually, we have her on birth control for another month. Just don’t tell her that, she doesn’t know. We’re using them as guinea pigs, seeing if she gets pregnant faster naturally, then being forced.”

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