Most common questions and comments answered

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First off, it would probably be easier for most to understand the way of the characters if you leave your human culture behind while reading.

~A History Lesson~

A better way to understand the story is to understand Ethan’s roots and history in general. Ethan is over a thousand years old and most of his council and other kings are not much younger than him. A thousand years ago, women didn’t have rights. Before 2013 vampires did not interact with humans, therefore many of their old ways never changed. It was not uncommon for a male a thousand years ago to abuse his wife physically, sexually and mentally. This lifestyle continued until not much less than 150 years ago. Woman had to give up there free will and free speech to their husband when they got married. They lived as ‘femme covets’ aka ‘a woman under cover’ under cover of her husband. Women did not have their own identity. They were to be seen and not heard. They were to obey and submit to their husbands. Abuse was very common and not looked down upon. Unfortunately, this is still going on in many parts of the world.

After reading the history, go ahead and page down to your question. I covered the most popular ones asked. The general summary of the question is underline and with ~…~ in front and behind. (I just realized underlining can't be done on here or copied over.)

From a vampire’s POV

~Ethan abusing McKayla~

Also goes back to history lesson

Ethan is not abusing McKayla, but disciplining her in the only way he knows how. It is the only way to discipline a vampire. She is not only his lover, but also his child. He is teaching her to survive in his world which she is now apart of. Sorry, I can’t say anymore without giving the story away.

During the times when he hurts her, it is not nearly as bad as he would to someone else.

“Ethan never looses his temper on you and when he hurts you he feels remorse while doing it, not after.”

“When Ethan hurts you, it’s linked to something you’re going to do or did that could hurt you more. He is protecting you. He was holding you back today from being hit with a rock. You gave him no choice, but to hit you back for hitting him. The salt was meant for a lesson to not do it again.” My mother spoke

“You can argue all you want with him. He is not going to hurt you unless it’s to stop you from doing something that could kill you. The torture he put you through for making out with Alex was pretty pathetic.” Sarah said throwing her two cents in.

“He’s slapped her in arguments.” Alex pointed out and he was right.

“He slapped her, he didn’t break any bones.” My father argued back…(Taken from 6/1 of 2013)

He does not find enjoyment in hurting her as he does with others. It is only natural for a vampire to find great peace and fun in causing others’ pain. Hence, Lance found it entertaining to cause pain in McKayla. It’s not that he didn’t like her, but because she reacted to the pain he caused. Sorry, I can’t say anything more about Lance without giving away the story. The good mood Ethan is in after torturing someone is brought up multiple times throughout the story.

…I heard terrifying shrieks and screams. I held tighter to Ethan as he let out an evil laugh.

“Where are we?” I whispered softly, afraid of drawing attention to us.

“We’re in the worst place a human could be. The torture rooms you have seen are honey moon suites compared to these.” He said mischievously. “These are not one night rooms either. A few more weeks and this will be your favorite area, the screams and terror down here will be music to your ears and excite your mind.”

(Taken from 6/7 in 2013) When a vampire is made, their humanity, to the most part, dies with them.

~Lack of free will~

Also goes back to previous history lesson.

As for not loving her, because he hurts her and doesn’t give her free will is a myth. He loves her more than life itself. She is his other half, that is why he was going to change her with or without her consent.

Ten years to a vampire is not a long time, unless the one you love is taken from you. Ten years can then seem like an eternity. Vampires don’t move on like humans, our love is undying. It is rare for us to find another. We only find soul mates.

(Taken from For All Eternity chapter 5.)

~The need to fear him~

In the vampire world, if you don’t fear someone, you don’t have respect for them. Without fear of someone, a vampire will walk all over them. It’s part of their nature. Vampires don’t fear humans or werewolves, that’s why they rule over them. Ethan is the most looked up to king because he is “…the most cold-hearted, ruthless and cruel.” (Taken from the second chapter of 2013.)

If you are reading For All Eternity, I don’t think I need to explain why McKayla had to die.


This is explained much better in the next book, but I’ll try my best without giving too much away. The vampires in this book are very sexual because of their heighten senses. Any type of lust is a need to a vampire. When a need is felt, it is impossible to get over it with fulfilling it. When Ethan cheats on McKayla after her exorcism, she is too weak to fulfill his need. However, he did fulfill her need as gently as he could. If he hadn’t she would have suffered until it was met. A vampire’s lust does not go away and is very easy to bring on. Reading carefully, you will notice the lust for sex usually coincides with the lust for blood. However, the lust for blood does not always coincide with the lust of sex. All the sex scenes start out with a bite. Lust is NOT love.  It is not cheating if you don't love the other person. (I just gave away a big hint)   I realize this is confusing, but hang in there. There is a purpose and it makes much more sense in the next book. 

~The point to why she needs to fear and respect him. The point to why he hurts her~

When he slaps her or punishes her for arguing back or not listening, it is a lesson for the future. She needs to obey him, respect him and fear him. As the story goes on, you will read and understand why a lot better. There will be times he will have to make last second decisions to save her life. When he gives those demands she can not hesitate for a second. She is young and doesn’t fully understand the way most vampires think or act. He is capable of seeing danger before she does. He is older, wiser, stronger and faster. He is extremely protective and possessive of McKayla and her children. McKayla is his first and will be his only love For All Eternity.

~Cast for characters~

McKayla- I stood in front of a mirror and gave myself Emerald green eyes (a deep, dark green with a hint of deep blue) and turned all my fat into muscle.

Ethan- I thought up my dream guy…

Get the picture now. I won’t find any pictures to represent my characters. As a vivid and persistent reader, I like to picture myself as the main female character and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Honestly, when I see Justin Beeber (I can’t understand the hype about him) or Ian Somerfield (Who I absolutely love as an actor) as the main characters, it ruins the whole story for me. I personally feel the whole casting thing on here is stupid. These are stories, not movies. I don’t like being told who the main character should be, therefore I would rather read than watch a movie. (I watch TV once a week for one hour, The Vampire Series starts up again tomorrow, baby!) Use your imagination.


If you want to make them, I will greatly take them. However, make sure the picture is not copyrighted or has celebrities. Just keep in mind, never judge a book by it’s cover. There are covers that have turned me away. Mostly ones with celebrities.

I love answering questions so keep them coming. I am the author, therefore I know exactly where the answers are.  Don't feel stupid for asking, the answers to most questions are subtle hints that are usually over looked.   The main key when reading any of my stories is to leave world you are used to behind and enter the world inside the story.

Thank you for reading!!!

For All Eternity (Crescent Moon series, book 2)Where stories live. Discover now