10| Chapter Ten

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Slade was dangerous. Both of the twins were, but there was something pulling me towards them. Something I couldn't explain.It really fucking scared me. I've never felt this attracted to two men at the same time. Maybe it's because they're not human? Humans were attracted to danger and to things that's not from our world.

Rolling my eyes I turned from the window. My eyes fell on the clock. Slade hasn't come back at all. Not during the night and not during the day. Fury explained to me that he was at the office taking care of some work. I couldn't help but feel like what happened last night was my fault. I rubbed a hand down my face as a quiet sigh fell from my lips. Sleeping was the last thing from my mind. After everything that happened the day before, I've had a list of questions I wanted to ask them.

My body was exhausted. I made my way into the living room, walking straight to the couch. Grabbing the blanket from the back, I laid down spreading it over my knees. All I wanted was a few hours of sleep without any nightmares.

* * * *

Glass shattered causing my body to jerk in fright. My eyes snapped open only to find myself surrounded by darkness. I gripped the blanket tighter listening for any other sounds. Seconds passed before I heard the floorboards on the floor above creak. Someone was upstairs. Kicking the blanket away, I sat up. Panic filled me when I heard a low growl from somewhere in the house. With an erratic heart, I got up on shaky legs and slowly made my way towards the kitchen.

Lightning flashed. For a few seconds I was able to see around me and I wish I couldn't. It felt like I was stuck in a horror movie. I took a small step back followed by another. The thing turned, bright red eyes fell on me. I didn't hesitate any longer. Spinning around, I made a run for the front door. I barely made it before I was tackled. My body hit the wooden coffee table. It snapped under our combined weight. The creature came down on top of me its claws ripping my clothes. Gripping a piece of wood I turned stabbing at it. A high-pitched noise escaped its lips as wood hit flesh. It recovered from the pain quicker than I thought it would. I only had time to turn onto my back when it struck again. A scream fell from my lips when sharp claws dug into my stomach tearing flesh. It dragged down over my stomach to my right thigh. I could already feel the warmth of my blood soaking my skin.

The monster above me growled snapping its jaw inches from my face. Just before the sharp teeth could close around my neck, the thing was ripped from my body.

“Alexi.” I fought the darkness that threatened to pull me under.

Forcing my eyes open, I stared up at Fury hovering above me. His eyes were filled with concern and his lips were moving, but the words didn't penetrate my fogged mind. Ringing filled my ears as the pain started to numb my body. Fury leaned down pushing his hands beneath my body to lift me. Then he suddenly moved. So fast the room was a blur. One minute I was laying on the broken coffee table and the next moment I'm lying by the stairs on his lap. Turning my head slightly I caught sight of the fighting. A large black wolf stood over the thing that had attacked me. He snarled snapping at it. I could only make out his glowing eyes and large body. Much larger than any normal wolf I've ever seen.

I blinked and the next second a crunch filled the air as the wolf snapped its neck with a twist of his head. Blood seeped into the floor as the body fell limp. A whimper fell from my lips when the wolf turned his head. Waves of fear flashed through me when he started moving towards us. I tried to crawl backwards but Fury kept me in place. The wolf let out a quiet wine stopping a few meters away. I glanced up at Fury then at the wolf again. My body was shaking from pain and fear.

“Shh princess,” Fury whispered.

He pulled me closer to his chest taking hold of my hand. Then the most confusing thing happened. Bones started snapping. The sound broke through the loud beating of my heart and heavy breathing. My eyes widened as the wolf started shifting. Large paws turned into hands, his legs into arms, body into one of a man and his head into a familiar face.

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