24| Chapter Twenty Four

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I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes. His hands were wrapped around the steering wheel tightly. In fact his whole body was tensed. My eyes dropped to his arms.

"It's rude to stare."

I turned my head to the window feeling my cheeks heat. Why did they make me drive with him?

"For security," Erik said, making my head snap to his. "They are expecting you to be traveling with them. If something happens and they are attacked, you won't be in danger."

"Won't they be in danger?" I felt the fear in me rise at the thought of them being attacked.

"They can take care of themselves Alexi." Silence settled again.

My eyes were glued to the passing buildings, unfamiliar buildings. The twins had explained to me that we would pass through a vortex in order to reach the palace. The vortex was created to keep peace between our kind and theirs. Slade and Fury ruled their world while we have rulers in our world.

"How long till we reach the vortex?" I asked, after a few minutes.

He glanced at me before turning off onto a small road leading into the forest.

"Half an hour." The car slowed slightly as he glanced at me. "You will feel it."

"What do you mean?" I asked softly, turning my head to look at him.

"I'm used to traveling between the two worlds, but you're not. You're also human which means it will effect you more." Erik explained softly.

I frowned not really understanding what he meant, but before I could ask him the slowed the car. A few seconds later he stopped it. Shifting in his seat slightly, he turned to face me.

"Do you want me to make you go to sleep?"

"Why?" I whispered, fidgeting with the end of my sweater.

"Handling the change of the two worlds won't be so bad then. You will hardly feel it," he smirked, suddenly leaning forward slightly. "If you stay awake you will definitely feel it, maybe not right away but you will."

My eyes narrowed on him. Is he joking? Playing around with me or is he telling the truth?

"I'm not joking or playing around, I'm serious."

"Would you stop reading my mind!" I yelled and without thinking I hit him with my fist.

Erik only raised his eyebrow not even flinching. Damn stupid vampire!

"I'm fine. I don't need you to put me to sleep!" Crossing my arms over my chest, I turned back to the front.

He sat there for a few more seconds before letting out a low chuckle, "Suit yourself."

Before I could say or do anything else we started driving forward again. A few seconds passed maybe even minutes yet nothing happened. I opened my mouth turning my head to him but he held up his hand. Then I felt it.
You know that when you're driving and there's a dip? You're stomach gets this weird feeling, like you're falling. Yeah? It's the first thing I felt. My ears popped followed by the sudden change of scenery. I could feel the nausea rising, my stomach turning as my body weakened then went limp.

"Are you okay Alexi?" Erik asked, concerned. His voice sounded far away. "Alexi?"

The world darkened.

* * * *

Something cold touched my forehead. It moved down my cheeks to my neck and lower. I moaned, opening my eyes.

"Princess?" Fury hovered above me, his face pale.

I could only stare up at him. I didn't have the strength to speak or to ask what happened. Where am I? Above me hung a dark red canopy. He stroked my cheek with his knuckles making my eyes snap back to his. Peculiar eyes caught mine, they were filled with concern and... Fear? Why is he scared?

"Erik said you passed out when you entered the vortex. You've been out for almost twenty four hours," he explained softly, his hands stopping at my neck. "I was so scared."

"I'm o-okay." I forced the words out.My voice come out raspy.

Smiling, he leaned down placing a kiss on my forehead. He straightened then continued to wipe my skin with a cold cloth. After one last wipe he placed the cloth aside.

"I'll be right back."

I closed my eyes, sucking in a breath before sitting up. My arms trembled and it took everything in me to sit up. It felt like I haven't eaten in days.

"There's a time change in our worlds," Fury said, as he sat down on the edge of the bed again.

"Can you stop that?"

He chuckled but shook his head. "I like being in your mind."

Fury held out a glass of water, his eyes questioning. Licking my dry lips, I reached for it. He pressed it against my lips. The cool liquid felt great against my dry, aching throat. After drinking half the glass he pulled it away. His eyes trailed over me before locking with mine again.

"I've asked Slade to prepare something for you to eat."

"Where are we?" I whispered, my eyes moving away from his.

We sat on a large four poster bed surrounded by red veils. The room was extremely large, and old fashioned. To the left was a closed door, across from the bed was two dark oak double doors. The right of the room was different than the left side. A big window with a window seat gave me a view of a dark grey sky. Thick red curtains hung next to it. A small sitting room with old looking couches was a little to the right. Pushed up against the wall was a dark oak wardrobe. Beyond that was another door that stood open. It was too dark to see anything beyond it. On the stone walls hung beautiful, erotic paintings of unknown artists. The floors were decorated with thick red carpets here and there. With wide eyes I turned my head back to look at him. He smiled leaning forward to peck my lips.

"Welcome to our kingdom princess."

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