20| Chapter Twenty

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It was so cold.

A cold breeze blew against my bare skin making me curl up tighter against the wall. The floors were cold and slightly damp. Some sharp edges dug into my side and arm. They caught me, locked me up for killing so many people. They wouldn't listen when I said that is wasn't my fault.

Slade and Fury was dead. My mates were dead because of me. I caused their death. I'll never see them again. Never feel their touch. Never hear their voice.

“Get up!” A voice yelled as metal hit against metal.

I forced my tired eyes open then pushed myself up on shaky arms. The man entered the cell. He gripped my arm tightly as he pulled me up. I was dragged behind him, down the dark halls toward the big doors at the end. The door was opened by two other guards, it made me blink rapidly at the sudden light. I had been locked up for days inside the dark cell. It made me lose track of time. My eyes trailed up to the clear blue sky then down to the green grass before moving to the large building a few feet away. This was the last time I'll ever see the sky and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.

The doors creaked as it opened and then slammed shut behind us. Our footsteps echoed around the hall as we walked towards another room. Stopping at another door, the guard dropped my arm and then pushed me to the ground.    

“Stay there.” he ordered gruffly, before disappearing into the room.

Sucking in a shaky breath, I looked down at my hands. They were shaking so badly. I was hungry and very thirsty. My eyes trailed down the hall, taking in the different paintings against the wall. The floors were shiny white marble with two vases of flowers sitting on top of small round tables against the wall opposite me. It looked beautiful, but I knew these people were deadly. The door opened again. I looked up seeing a man dressed neatly in a grey suit. He frowned down at me before nodding at the guard that stood behind him. Again he grabbed my arm this time pulling me behind them as they entered the room. Panic surged through me. The large room was filled with people from old to young. All of them were dressed in black. The guard stopped in the middle of the room in front of a podium. Behind it sat ten men dressed in red all staring at me silently.

“Do you have anything to say?” The man directly in front of me asked.

I swallowed, looking down at my hands. “I didn't mean for them to die.”

“Because of you this kingdom lost half of its men. The kings are dead!”

Hushed whispers filled the air until one of the men silenced them with the raise of his hand.

“Because of you war is breaking out. Therefore you have to pay.”

My arms were grabbed and then I was forced onto my knees with my head pressed down.

“I, Dimitri Veg, sentence you, Alexi Gordon White, to death for the death of our kings.”

* * * *

My eyes snapped open just as the large knife was being dropped. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. My body was covered in a layer of sweat and my breathing was harsh. I sat up, running a hand down my face as I sucked in a shaky breath. The sun was just starting to rise. Reaching over, I switched off the lamp before falling back onto the bed. I groaned. Everytime I fell asleep I had nightmares. I had barley slept in a week but I haven't told any of the twins. Thing has been going great between us and I didn't want to ruin it. We've grown closer. Although we haven't been touching or kissing like I've wanted to. They've been keeping their distance from me. Sure one of them would lightly brush my hand or arm, but it never escalated.

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