Chapter 15 - The annual OWK gathering

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[Andy's POV]

I'm not going to be able to take this for long, seriously, who does that? Being walked in a leash all day like I'm a goddamn dog. And for that woman? I wonder what Ben saw in her ; she is ugly from the inside out. She has fucked-up intentions and a twisted mind. But I guess I'm better off being her favorite than being with the red hair bitch. That one is tough, oh my god! She came into the Queen's room one day and tried to lay her hands on me, but the Queen shut her out straight away. I gotta admit I did not feel great at the time, knowing what she has done to Ben. Ben, I can't believe I'm in this because of this guy. He really dug himself a grave didn't he? I almost got him out yesterday, I was already thinking about the damn good breakfast we would enjoy the next day. Nope, instead of this I'm just standing here, being a play toy for all these SM kinky shitfaced Mistresses from all over the country. I cannot stand the way they look at me, like I'm some kind of meat to them. Actually, now it makes me understand a bit more what some girls used to say about men. I'm trying hard just to stand like this and not slap them in the face. I hear some of them comment: oh boy this one is a piece of jewelry, some others, what can possibly happen to someone to get that ugly, covered with sketchy drawings and mutilating themselves with metal rings. It's quite funny actually to hear them say that ; I thought they enjoyed seeing men suffer. Anyways, I just have to focus on something else, a way to escape with Ben would be a good thing. Fuck! Ben! What is he doing here? I don't like where this is going.

- Put on a show for us?

No way, there is absolutely no way I'm doing something with or for this guy. They cannot force me; if they try I will run away as fast as I can.

- Suck him hard.

Wait, what? No! I am not sucking another man's dick! I see Ben getting dangerously close to me.

- Do it.

- No I won't this is crazy!

- If you don't do it they will force you. You will end up like me, now do it.

I hesitate, look at him and my body starts to shivers. I am literally not in control of it anymore. Is this how it feels to get raped? Forced to do something against your will. I quickly look at the surroundings, if I run now they will catch me and they will know for sure that I'm not here for them. Fine, I'll do it for Denis and Lana. I slowly open my mouth and see Ben's dick getting closer to my face. I decide to go at once and take it, without thinking. Here I go, shit this is absolutely disgusting, and I feel like I am going to puke. Every time I go back and forth I can hear the sound of the rattling of Ben's handcuffs against my face. I can hear the Mistresses laugh and appreciate, I can see them smirking at me. Goddamn it, this is never ending. How long are they going to ask me to keep going?

- Good, you've made him hard. Now go on, fuck him.

- What? She is not serious; she wants Ben to actually fuck me! No way!

- Is there a problem?

- I... He is a usuel. Only you, my Queen, are allowed to degrade me, but I won't be degraded even more by him.

Fuck I have tried. I look at Ben and see him staring at me like I have just killed his mother or something. I have tried my chances, either she lets this go or next thing I know I will be sleeping in a cage with Ben. Shit, I should never have agreed to any of this.

- You are right. That is a horrible humiliation. Beat him down and get rid of him.

Ok, well that was close. I am going to hit him quickly and efficiently so he falls and pretends that it is hard enough for the Queen to let him go. I quickly swift to Ben and punch him in the stomach making his scream and fall at the same time. Perfect acting Ben, you got it. The guards seize him and take him away. Now it's gonna be my turn I guess. I turn around, not looking the Queen directly in the eyes as Lana told me.

- I'm impressed with you and somehow baffled. You can dispose now. I will see you tonight.

I walk away from the room; perhaps I can try and find Ben in the meantime. I head to the garden to find him, he must be in his cage, we have to come up with a plan. I quickly pass the other furniture slaves and all ; after all I am free to walk wherever I want because I am off duty. I get into the stable only to see Ben lying in his cage. I walk to him and slowly start talking.

- Man, I'm sorry about the kick

- That's ok, as hard as it is to believe I'm used to it.

It's amazing how he manages to keep his sense of humour in this situation.

- Ok, I'm getting you out of here, hang on I'll go around and I'll break you out.

I look through the stables and try to find a knife, pliers, a pruner, anything that could basically break a lock. A axe, a bottle, anything. There is absolutely nothing here, did they foresee my plan and took away everything around? I have to look somewhere else, that is not at all going to be suspicious if I find an axe inside and I drag it out. Fuck it, I am taking my chances, I'm not spending another night in this hell. As I walk towards the 'castle' I pass by the tamer who has all the keys to all the cages. It would be a little messy to knock him out though so I head inside, listening carefully to where the Mistresses may be not to pass by them. The kitchen. The kitchen is where I will find most of the stuff I need. I head towards there, browse through the drawers and get a couple of massive knives, and pliers. I walk through the garden, carefully hiding the tools under my leather jacket. I reach the entrance to the building and I am suddenly stopped by someone across the doorway of the corridor leading to the stables. Mistress Vanessa. Fuck!

- What are you doing here slave? She emphasize the word slave as if she knew I hated to be owned and treated like that.

- I am checking on the man whose dick I just sucked and beat down. I have no respect for this woman, there is no way in Hell I am calling her Mistress.

- How nice of you. And what do you have under your jacket?

I hesitate and do not know what to answer. She must have seen my doubt and reaches out, revealing the knives and pliers.

- Check on him? Seems more like you were trying to get him out... Who are you?

- My name is Andy Biersack, and I am the Queen's favorite.

- You don't have a name, you are just a slave. And you're not here because you want to. You are here because of him, right? You want to get him out too. You think I don't know your little game? Who sent you here, who gave you all those tips? That cunt Lana, or her little Ukrainian bitch?

- Don't you dare taking about them like this!

- So it is them then! I knew it, you're all the same, pathetic! I bet you're aware that if the Queen gets to know this, you will end up just like your friend that you are trying to save you know that. Or we can make a deal?

As she says that she gets closer to me, caressing my arm.

- Oh you are handsome, hot, young and rebellious. I'm sure we can find a way to ignore what just happened can't we?

- What do you want?

- You, I want you. As the Queen's favorite, no one else is allowed to touch you. I want to have the privileges of a Queen. Come to me when you are not around her, you will be my play toy. And be assured that as long as you do everything I tell you to do, the Queen will never learn why you are here.

- If she sees the marks on my body she will know that you are using me.

- I won't leave a single mark on you. Nothing. I swear. So what do you say? Do you agree for me to be your new Queen or shall I go talk to the Queen now and tell her all I know about you?

Fuck, if she tells the Queen now we are both dead Ben and I. I can play around with her for a few days; at least it will give me the freedom I need to think about how to get Ben out of here.

- Alright. I will do what you ask me to do.

- Very well then, we have a deal. Come to the Red Room tonight. At 12. Don't be late.

- What if she doesn't let me out at 12?

- Then you'd better get used to the idea of not getting out at all...

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