Chapter 27 - Oli's Story

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[Oliver's POV]

- Oh shit he is waking up.

- Who?

- The tattooed one.

- Goddamn it Marek, they all have tattoos, which one is it?

- I think it's the boss' man. I've seen him before. He was not supposed to wake up, was he?

- No. Finish him. And what about the others?

- I think they're all dead.

- Yeah you think. Ok, I'll stop here. Take care of him, take care of him before somebody sees him alive ok.

Light, so much light, have I reached Heaven already? I feel a strong grip around my ankles grabbing me from the light, pulling me hard onto the unknown. Then the shock, the coldness of the ground, the sharpness of the rocks, piercing through my skin, making my blood drip on every inch of clothes I have left. The light is too intense for me to even open my eyes to understand what is going on. If this is the way to Heaven, it damn is unpleasant. The outside air is warm, even hot compared to the full on air con going on inside wherever I was lying two seconds ago. Everything went so fast, the cold air, the pull, and now the smell of dust and dirt.

- Marek, hurry up already, we don't have all day.

- Yeah, yeah just give me a second.

- Shit man, check out the girl too, I think the girl just moved.

- No man, you're not gonna make me kill the chick too?

- Come on, help me, get her out!

I feel the weight that was put on my ankles transferred to the sudden mass collapsing on my body.

- What's that?

- I don't know man.

- That's a car, Marek, that's a car. Let's get the hell outta here.

- But we aren't done with them yet.

- We don't have time for this, come on, drive!

- Who hired you?

- No one.

- Are you a rat?

- No


- Where are the others?

- I don't know


- Answer me, you piece of shit or your friend dies.

- I am alone.

- Oh yeah? Bring the girl in.

This seems like the perfect movie set, the tingling lamp, the unstable current, the dark room, the lonely chair in the middle, the Russian or whatever mafia, the torture. Everything is placed to perfection. Only, the punches are real.

- This bitch was with you when we found you. Anything you can tell us about her?

- No

Three. The punches are getting hard to take. In fact I don't know that girl, I just know that I spent the last 24 hours of my life in a basement and that she came down to check on me when I was dying. But apart from this I have no idea who she is or what they want with her.

- So you won't mind if we burst her brains off, right?

- Where are you from?

- What?

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