Chapter 17 - Blondie's gift

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My only moments of relief are when I'm with Blondie. I continue to call her Blondie, whatever her name is, it suits her better. Of course she came to me after Andy came, we did the same thing over and over again, well I did the same things, she came at the exact same time she did last time, with the exact same move, it's not hard to please her, I know. She doesn't even have to tell me what to do, I've grown accustom to start my thing as soon as we get to her chambers. She usually comes to me every few days. She just came, so I am getting up, putting back my shirt ready to head back to my cage.

- Ben, please stay.

- What? I haven't heard a girl call me by my name in a while

- Please stay with me tonight. You can sleep here and rest.

- But you know that if I'm not back to my cage on lockdown time, Hawk is going to be mad and look for me everywhere.

- I'll talk to Hawk tomorrow. Please. Just one night.

- Ok

I head towards her and sit on the bed. Gosh it is so damn comfortable to be on a real mattress. So comfy that I am not used to it anymore and it doesn't feel quite right just lying there.

- What are you thinking about?

- Nothing.

- You can't be thinking about nothing, that's impossible. Really, what are you thinking about?

- That I have not rested in a real bed for quite some time now.

- It's terrible how the Queen treats you; I would do whatever I can to make your life better.

- Thank you, that's very considerate of you.

- Ben?

- Yes?

- Do you still love her?

I did not see this question coming. She is getting way too curious. I can't really avoid the question though.

- I don't know. It's not easy to erase feelings; even after all she has done to me. Sometimes I think that as long as I see her around I won't be able not to love her.

- I wish someone could love me like you love her.

- I'm sure someone will one day, but not in this place.

- You came here because of her?

- Yes.

- And now you want to leave?

- Yes.

- Then I think you should leave. I think you should leave tonight.

I look at her, smiling at me. I think she is in love with me, and she cannot stand it anymore. She is letting me go? That's impossible? She can't just let me out like that.

- Ben?

- Yes?

- Goodbye Ben. I hope you get your life back. I love you.

She turns around and shuts the lights. This is my time, she is letting me go. I have to get Andy and run. I slowly get up head to the door and turn around to see her one last time. I think she is crying in the pillow. I exit the room and head towards the Queen's quarters. I have to get Andy. As I approach the corridor where the Red Room is I can hear people speaking distinctly.

- What are you doing here?

- I...

- Shut up I am not asking you.

I know these voices. In fact I know exactly who they are. The Queen and Andy are in the Red Room. But who is the third person?

- My Queen, please...

This cannot be! This is Mistress Vanessa's voice! I decide to go a little closer to make sure it is them. I can see the Queen in the corridor and Andy standing in the doorframe. The Queen gets into the Red Room and closes the door behind her. Shit, I will never be able to get Andy out. But if I don't take my chances right here, right now, I might never be able to get out again. It's a hard decision but I turn around, and head to the garden. I cross the garden, pass the stables and climb over the fence that leads to the forest. That's it; I'm on the other side now. I'm free.

[Denis' POV]

The times where I'm alone everything comes back. The tour, Asking Alexandria, when Danny left, when Ben left, it all comes back to me, in pieces. And then the rest, how we kept arguing and how I decided to go and find Ben. The arrival at the Other World Kingdom before Lana even came. That was the hardest part. You don't just enter and you are shown your room like in a regular hotel type, no. You arrive at the front gate and are greeted by a woman who clearly makes you understand that you are nothing. As soon as you even put a foot in the property you can feel the unbearable weight of the domination and power that women have over men. But they don't let you see much; they take you directly into a room, which is completely empty. They ask you to take out all your clothes and to stand in the middle of the room naked. Then one of the furniture slaves comes in – it was actually the first time that I saw someone wearing nothing but a collar – takes your stuff away from you and you just stand there and wait, wait for your turn. I must have waited at least an hour, just standing there in the middle of that empty room, staring at the ceiling. Then someone comes in, examines you all the ways even possible, ears, eyes, teeth, body, genitals, everything. They give you one and only piece of cloth that you are allowed to use as underwear and nothing else. Of course, every occasion they get they make you walk around naked to raise the humiliation level even more. The first couple of days I did not see anyone else, they locked me in that room with a bed and a TV; I guess they don't want to introduce the cages straight away as they might scare people away. But that room is even worse, it has set up programs that you have to watch, about the history of the Kingdom, the story of the Queen, and finally the rules. I got to meet the Queen when Lana claimed me, if not I don't even think I would have seen her in a while. In spite of all my efforts to fit in and make them believe I actually came to be owned I couldn't get around the fact that I wanted to break their stupid faces off every time they commanded me. And the beatings, well, I've been used to taking beatings at school, I was not exactly the coolest kid around. The first days were tough, all that kneeling tips and shit from Hawk, I wonder if he took pleasure in beating me up again and again. Then, on the third day, they deem you accustomed enough to not be granted the privilege of a bed and take you to your designated cage. Far out, seeing all these sane men there, all locked up like animals, on their free will, and even beyond that, on their request! What do they need? What do they want? What do they achieve? Some sort of BDSM Nirvana? Anyway, I have to get out of my reverie, Lana will be back soon. I'll play some guitar; it'll take my mind away from things. I start strumming some chords, Am, G, Dm, thinking about Ben. "Every breath you take, I watch you slip away you're slowly killing yourself, I won't give in". And as I play I chase all the bad things away to retain only the good memories I have of him, asking myself if I will ever get him back. And Lana, thanks God she is here. She helps me through it all. We have seen and experienced a lot together, it's not the sort of person you walk away from. And as each day passes I grow to love her even more. Some times though I think of what she told me about her, her true nature, what she did to me, how she treated me, or how she would like to treat me. I'm sad that she has to refrain on all this just because I'm not on the same wave as her. Obviously, judging by the number of people living at OWK, there are plenty of people on this vibe she could meet, but for now we are together and we plan to stay like this for a little while. I hear someone knocking on the door. Did Lana forget her keys, again? Wait no; she took the car so it cannot be her. I place my guitar down on its stand and head to the door. I grab the handle and open. Ben. Ben Bruce is standing in front of me.

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