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It is said that in the beginning, everyone started with one soul with two parts, forever entwined...then from a magical force...the one soul was split apart...and scattered throughout the world...to be forever apart...and only by truly believing would the two souls be united again and be together forever...or so that's what my grandmother raised me up to believe...for when I was very young my parents were killed at sea...my grandmother was said to be a clairvoyant which made us both out of place with the townspeople of the island of Cape Cod where we lived just outside of the village in a cute little cottage close to the beach...My name is Kc Lee Hart...and this story is about my long journey searching for my other half to my soul.

But my journey didn't start until the passing of my grandmother when I was 18...I had nothing left to lose...so I packed a travel bag...and did what my grandmother always told me I should...go out and search for my soulmate...for only then shall I ever be whole again. I slowly stepped off the porch of my beautiful island home and walked along the beach one last time...before heading to the docks where the ferry was waiting for me to take me off the island...and into the real world...where I would begin my journey. Even though I was raised in such seclusiveness...I knew nothing of the real world...or the way people would react to me...because my grandmother kept me with her for she always told me that I was special with a gift...but to this day I still don't know what she meant by it.

After the two-hour ferry ride, I finally stepped off onto solid ground that wasn't surrounded by water...where I began my search...before my grandmother died...I asked her how I would know if the one I was looking for was the right one...she just smiled at me and said he would let me know...and if my internal bells began to ring...then I would know he was the right one...I was looking around walking barefoot along the road admiring all the sites I've never seen before...when a family called me over where they were sitting...and asked me where my shoes were...I never had any shoes so I didn't know what they were...but when I saw them looking at my feet...I looked at their feet and saw something covering them...it was my guess that's what they were talking about...so I just told them I never had any.

The kind lady took me to her home on wheels...and sat me down and handed me a pair of shoes...then asked me to try them on...that it was too dangerous for me to be walking around without protection on my feet. I looked at them and tried to put them on...the lady watched me as I was trying to figure them out...she knelt down and showed me how to put them on...then she asked me to walk around in them to see what I thought...I wasn't used to my toes being enclosed...but I had to admit I liked the soft cushions under my feet...and when I walked on the rocks they didn't hurt my feet...when she said I could have them I opened my travel bag up and pulled out a beautiful pucca shell necklace that I made and handed it to her...for my grandmother told me it was never polite to accept a gift without giving one in return.

The lady accepted the beautiful necklace then asked me if she and her family could give me a lift to where I was heading...I told her thanks but I didn't know exactly where that was yet...that I was in search of my other half to my soul. The lady's kids began to laugh at what I said...but she scolded them and told them to get back in the Rv...she smiled at me and wished me the best of luck and to take care...I thanked her for her kindness...then waved as I watched them leave...then I looked at the road that went off into four different directions...then I closed my eyes and spun in a circle three times then as soon as my dizziness wore off...whichever direction I was looking toward...was the way I went...on my search.

I walked along for several hours...until I became a little hungry...I looked along the far side of the road and noticed an apple tree orchard...and headed across to borrow a few of them...after eating one of them I came to another T in the road...along with another person sitting on top of his bag...so I decided to have a seat too not too far from where he was...he looked at me and gave me smile and asked me if I was thumbing for a ride as well...I told him I was on a journey in search of the other half of my soul...I looked at him and asked him if he was hungry...he gave me a warming smile and said he was famished...so I pulled out a couple of apples and handed them to him...he thanked me very much and quickly ate one of them as he told me he was in search of work...moments later a truck headed our way and the man stuck his thumb out...and the truck pulled over and asked where we were heading...the man hopped up and went to the window and said anywhere that he could find a job.

The driver told him to hop on in...and he'd take him to town...he tossed his bag in the back then asked me if I wanted a ride too...that it would be better than walking to town...but my internal alarm was telling me that they were going in the wrong direction...so I told them thanks but no...that I was heading in the other direction...so the man touched my hand and told me thanks for the apples...then said he hoped I found what I was looking for...I told him he was very welcome...and I wished him luck in finding work...he thanked me again then jumped in the truck as I watched them leave...I stood up and put my carry bag across my shoulder and started again with my long journey...but I was definitely meeting very nice people so far...and was really enjoying the sites...for I had never been anywhere before now.

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