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Mama D and Klayton stayed a little longer, to help take care of Johnny...while Criss and I had a day and night to ourselves...we went out and had some innocent adult fun...going to Circus Circus...then we went to walk around Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and exotic animal refuge...while holding hands...then out of nowhere he wanted to take me to The Luxor and do a little bit of gambling...I looked at him and said I thought he wasn't allowed to gamble because he never loses...he snickered a little bit, and said he wasn't going to gamble...he was just going to observe...while I had some fun...so I finally gave in...and we walked in and he gave me some money to cash in for chips...then secretly told me which machines to go to.

I went to seven different machines and everyone was a winner...nothing big...but just enough to get you excited...but when the security team saw that Criss was with me...they playfully told us both that I could keep my winnings so far...but then they grabbed Criss and booted him out of the casino area and told him to get back to his magic theater and to stay out of the gambling room...Criss lifted his finger and said but he was trying a magical demonstration...that he was trying to see how much money he could win...until he ran out of luck...Felix Rappaport and Rose came out from the office and told him to behave himself...and he knew better than to gamble...that he was off limits to the gambling room.

I grabbed him and told him that I wanted to go back out and do some more walking and window shopping...now that I had some new found money...the first place I went into was the pet store...Criss was outside showing some people some close up magic while I was inside buying him a very special gift...but along with it I bought Klayton one too...I came out with a medium sized pet carrier and asked him if he was done freaking out the crowd...so we could get back home...because I was getting a little tired...and beens we walked instead of drove...I was going to take a short catnap as soon as we made it back to Serenity...luckily my gifts for my guys didn't make any noise during the walk back home...as soon as I made it into the house...Mama D let us both know that we needed to stay quiet for Johnny was asleep after his very long and energetic day playing with Uncle Klayton.

I walked into the living room and sat down beside Klayton and opened the pet carrier and handed him a large gray tabby cat...and told him it was his new best friend. Klayton looked at him and immediately fell in love with him...then I reached in and grabbed the special one that I picked out for Criss and handed it to him...and told him that one was for him...Criss held onto the cat very closely and kissed him on his forehead...then gave me a big hug and said that he loved him...I looked at both of them as they were loving on their new friends and asked them what they were going to name them...as soon as Klayton heard his cat purring and meowing...he chuckled and said his name was going to be Stutter. Criss kept holding his cat and loving on him...until he moved up and began to love on Criss back and laid on his back soaking all of Criss's love up...and Dimitra had to laugh at how the cat was reacting...Criss started talking to him...telling him that he was a real ham...then he looked up at me and said his name was going to be Hammie.

Hammie and Stutter didn't take very long to know who their daddy's were...and no matter where they were in the house...they would find them...but as soon as they saw Johnny asleep in his bedroom they both ran in and jumped in the bed with him and curled up on each side of him and went to sleep...Dimitra thought it was so cute that she took a few pictures of it with her phone and used it as her wallpaper. Then she meandered her way into the kitchen and made her some tea...and said as soon as she was done with it...she was going to cook dinner this evening. JD, Rachel, Kim, and Costa made it back to the house with their kids...when dinner was just getting put on the table...after the long day of spending alone time with their families...I watched as Johnny's cousins ran into his room...as soon as they all ran in...Hammie and Stutter ran out...and found Criss's and my room and hid under our bed.

Dimitra called everyone to the dinner table...we all complimented Mama D on her wonderful meal...then Rachel and Kim cleaned the table off...while Criss and I did the dishes. Johnny came scampering in holding Hammie and asked if kitty was his too...Criss gave him a smile and said only if he was nice to him...that most cats were afraid of tiny tots...because they were too wild and frisky for them...but Johnny held him very gently...and gave him a few strokes and said he would be very good to kitty...then he very slowly walked into his room with him...and very gently laid him on his bed and loved on him. Criss and I looked at each other and snickered a little bit...as we both knew that Johnny would be very nice to Hammie.

After everything was cleaned up...Kim and Rachel took their tiny tots upstairs and put them in the tub to give them a bath...then they handed them to JD and Costa to put on their pj's...then they all took them down the hall...to their bedrooms and put them down for bed...I told Criss that I would give Johnny his bath...beens he and Klayton were still outside playing with the motorcycle and drinking a beer together...beens Costa and JD went to bed early for their trip back home in the morning...I got Johnny all cleaned up...and into his Ice Age pj's...then I tucked him in...and turned on his nightlight...and watched as Hammie ran thru the crack in the door before I shut it...and he hopped in bed with him...then I went into my room and washed off and hopped in bed and patiently waited for Criss to come to bed...so he could snuggle with me.

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