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When I woke up the next morning...I jumped up a little startled not knowing where I was...but when I looked around in the room and saw Criss and Johnny asleep in the other bed...I remembered that I was riding with them...and he must have stopped somewhere while I was asleep to get out of the storm. I looked down at both of them and gave a slight smile...then went into the bathroom to take a shower...and put on my change of clothes that I had in my duffel bag. The sound of the water must have woke up Criss and Johnny both...because when I got out of the bathroom they were both gone...

I walked out of the room with my duffel and was heading down the sidewalk...when Criss and Johnny both stopped me...and wanted me to have breakfast with them...as they showed me the food...Criss was in the room setting the table while Johnny was just out the door playing with his ball...I was sitting out on the bench brushing my hair out when the wind caught his ball...and he went scampering after it...when I looked up and didn't see him...I slightly panicked and dropped my brush down and ran out into the parking lot to find him...I looked in horror as I saw him running to the middle of the highway trying to catch his ball...I raced after him and told him to come back...and to get out of the road!!

Criss heard my screams...and rushed out the door...and saw where I was...I made it to Johnny just in time from him being hit by a speeding car...but I wasn't quite quick enough...I got slightly hit...but I managed to get us both off the road and in the ditch with his ball. Criss dropped by me and scooped Johnny in his arms...and quickly checked him over asking him if he was hurt...then he checked me over...and saw my leg was bleeding...he lifted me into his arms and told Johnny to walk right beside him...after he got us both into the room...he cleaned my leg...then decided that it needed to be looked at by a doctor...after he got us both into the car...he scolded his son for going into the road...that he knew better.

Criss took me to the emergency room and told the nurse what happened...shortly after that a doctor checked me over and said that the laceration wasn't the problem...but my ankle was broken...and it needed to be put into a cast...I gave him a slight chuckle and said I was lucky the car didn't hit me head on...and just swiped me a little bit...then I ruffled Johnny's head and told him it was worth it. After the cast was on, and I got the ok to leave...Criss apologized for what his son caused...and that he felt really bad. I told him that I didn't...that saving him was worth any risk...and that he shouldn't scold him too harshly...he was just a baby still, and didn't fully understand yet.

Criss said he wanted to take care of me until my ankle healed up...that it was the absolute least he could do...after saving his son. I snickered a little and told him that my cast would slow my journey extensively...it was settled I was going to go with him to his mother's house...and he was going to tend to me until I healed...so he loaded his vehicle...and once again we were off on the open road...all the adrenaline we went thru earlier knocked Johnny out...he was sound asleep...my ankle was beginning to throb now that the initial shock was finally leaving...but I didn't let it get to me...for my grandmother taught me to always look at things positively...and never to dwell on the negative.

After four more hours of driving...Criss finally pulled up into a driveway in the city of Long Island in New York...then turned the ignition off, and gave a slight sigh and told me we made it...right when he got out of the vehicle...a very lovely lady came rushing out of the house...very excited to see Criss...and showered him with hugs and kisses...then asked where her grandbaby was...Criss opened the back door of the vehicle, and told her that he was still asleep after the hectic and scary encounter he had...but he told her he would tell her that story after he got settled in...she held out her arms as Criss handed Johnny to her...and she took him inside.

Criss helped me out next and told me to put my weight on him instead of my leg...the lady came back out and asked him who I was...Criss gave her a smile and said he would explain everything after he got me settled either on the couch or in one of the spare bedrooms...I looked at him and told him I was a little wore out from being cooped up in the vehicle...so he agreed and said bedroom...no sooner than my head hit the pillow I was out like a light...Criss snickered a little as he put a pillow under my leg to elevate it...then he brought the luggage in...and told his mom about how he met me, and that I have been traveling with him after getting me out of the storm...then how I saved Johnny from being hit by a speeding car...then told her that's why I was now in her bedroom sleeping with a cast on my ankle...and that he promised me that he was going to take care of me until my ankle healed.

Criss's mother...gave her grandson a bigger hug...and said that she was thankful for me being there to save him...and that she was going to see to it that I got the best of care. After she took her grandson to his room and tucked him in until he woke up from his nap...she sat down beside me and asked me what I was doing walking in the storm in the first place...Criss looked at his mom and told her that she wouldn't believe him if he told her...she smiled at him and told him to try her...Criss took a deep breath in and told her that I was on a journey in search of the other half of her soul...in other words, her soulmate so that she could once again be whole.

Dimitra looked at Criss for a moment and told him that what he was saying...was just an old story...that was in a book. Criss gave a slight smile and said that he knew that...but my grandmother raised me to believe that it was true...and that it was my destiny to find my soulmate...the only one that was meant for me...then added that I didn't know anything about the real world...and he was afraid for me, because what I was doing was very much potentially dangerous...and he was hoping during the time that I was with them...they could talk me out of it gradually...and get me to realize that what I was told...was just a story.

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