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It has been over a week now since I've been staying with Criss at him mom's house...his family made me feel so welcome...in such a loving environment I didn't know how to respond to it...and Johnny was always with me...I didn't need much help walking anymore...I got pretty good with the crutches...I didn't take any more pain killers either...now my lower leg and ankle was going thru the extreme itching phase...and it drove me crazy...so when no one was looking I grabbed one of the metal fly swappers and put the handle down in my cast to scratch it...until Criss caught me a couple times and took my swapper away telling me that it wasn't good for me to scratch it with my skin being so weak under the cast...he didn't want me to make huge sores or make it bleed.

Rachel and Kim were over visiting me almost every day since...that first supper we all had together...they became very close friends to me...but that wasn't the only surprise that I had that day...Criss came rushing thru my bedroom door with Sully and Sandy behind him...Sully jumped on the bed beside me and kissed me on the cheek and asked me how I was feeling...then he saw the cast and immediately said he was so going to be the first one to sign it!!...no one else even thought about it...until after Sully signed it...then I had everyone wanting to endorse my cast...I have to admit after seeing all the colorful signatures and little sayings on it...it was a lot more fun to look at. Johnny came in with his markers...and wanted to doodle on it...so I let him...he drew me a puppy, a kitty, and a bunny rabbit...then he drew a little stick figure of him...with his name signed underneath it. Johnny looked up and said he was all done...I gave him a big kiss and told him how beautiful it was.

Criss was the only one that didn't sign it yet...because he was outside talking with a strange guy...that I haven't met yet...Rachel and Kim gave me another hug and wished me a great day...and added that they needed to get back to their guys...before they both went crazy trying to take care of their babies...without motherly supervision...plus they had them all night...and it was their turn to take over so JD and Costa could take a much-needed nap. I told them thanks for coming and seeing me again...Johnny was now sound asleep in bed with me still holding onto his markers and his bunny. Dimitra came in and offered to take him to his bed...but I told her he was just fine...that I liked the little guy's company.

I did look out the window and asked her who the guy was talking to Criss...she looked out the window...and told me with a smile that it was just Stoney...Criss's oldest and best friend...that he must have gotten restless and needed to pester his blood brother for a while...I looked at her and asked her if Stoney was his real name...she turned around and said no...that it was his nickname...that not many people even know him by his real name...then she said that his name was Klayton Scott. I kept looking at him and wondered what it was that was on his head...but after he removed his sunglasses...I realized that it was his hair!!...I have never seen a hairdo like that before!...but I automatically liked him right when I saw him without his sunglasses.

So I gently slid out from under Johnny...and grabbed my crutches and decided to take a little stroll to the front door...and maybe go out and sit on the porch with Dimitra and have some iced tea with her...and to get a closer look at that red-headed fox. Criss noticed how I was looking at him...and instantly had a twinge of jealousy hit him...and he didn't understand why he was jealous...because he never gave me the hint that he liked me...or me him...but all it took was Klayton to show up and give me something to admire...to make Criss realize that he did actually like me a lot...but he knew for as long as I have been staying with them...I never gave him any sign that I thought he was my soulmate...or even asked him any of the questions that I've asked the other guys.

Klayton took one look at me and jumped over the railing...and sat in between me and Dimitra and gave me a smile as he held out his hand and asked me my name...I slowly put my hand in his...and said Kc...he kissed my hand then said he was Klay...but I could just call him Stoney like everyone that loves him does. I giggled at him as I told him how nice it was to meet him...Criss jumped up on the porch and asked me if I'd like to go for a little walk with him...I didn't know what was going on at the moment...but Dimitra did...and she told them both to stop it right now...that it wasn't becoming at all...but Klay looked at her with a silly grin on his face and said it was so on!!...as he jumped off the porch to follow Criss and me for that walk.

Instead of using my crutches I used Criss...as he held me purposely closer to him...that at first, I didn't really figure out...until Klay came up on the other side of me and wrapped his arm around me from the opposite side...Criss gave him a very wicked look...and asked him if he was lost...that this was a private walk...and three was a crowd. Klay snickered at him and said it was all good that he was a very private and personal kind of guy...then added while looking right at me that three was never a crowd. I looked back and forth at both of them wondering what they were talking about...but it wasn't until after we all three got back from our walk...and when I was alone in my room...and Dimitra came in and explained what Criss and Stoney were doing...that it was a little brother rivalry...wanting to fight to see which one won me...I looked at her blankly...until she explained to me that they both really liked me a lot.

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