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It was now two days before Halloween and everyone was running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off...trying to make sure everything was ready for the wedding and the Halloween party...Mama D was so excited about Criss and I finally getting married...Klayton tried to show everyone how happy he was for us both...but deep down he still wanted me for himself...Criss and I made it as easy as we could for him...I even asked him if he would walk me down the aisle...at first he said he couldn't do it...he couldn't bare to be the one to give me away...but then he turned around and said he'd be honored to walk me down the aisle.

Everyone had all the house transformed into a huge haunted house...with apple cider, and a huge black cauldron filled with candy...then the back yard was the Halloween Wedding area...that had silken spiderwebs with black and red roses weaved inside them...it was very different but beautiful at the same time...Criss was still dressed as Dracula...and I was the Corpse's Bride...with a very beautiful white wedding gown with red blood like stains down by the feet where the train was...my veil was white, red, and black. 

The wedding went beautifully...then we had a personal family party...which didn't last but two or three hours...then we got Johnny all dressed up so we could head over to the Luxor so he could trick or treat Criss's crew and the two owners of The Luxor...it took about two hours to go throughout the casino...then we went home and made lunch for everyone...after lunch we told Johnny he could have two pieces of his candy...then he needed to put the rest up...after we told him...we didn't have to worry about him not minding...because he just wouldn't do it...he would look at his candy and count it...but he wouldn't eat another piece unless he came in and asked us first. Johnny was such a good boy...after lunch was over with we all decided to make a pallet on the floor and watch The Halloween Tree...it was a classic cartoon that I used to watch when I was a toddler...as soon as the show was over...we all took a nap...for once 8:00 tonight hit...the Sarantakos family was going to do some major trick or treating...it was the only night we let Johnny stay up with us all night.

Vegas was a big city...Klayton went with us for extra protection...because it was rather dangerous because of all the lunatics that rampaged on Halloween...but no one ever messed with us...Johnny got very tired of walking after four hours of trick or treating...so Klayton and Criss took turns carrying him...while I was carrying the four bags full of candy our little man collected...but one of the bags belonged to us grown-ups...some of the elderly folks said we deserved some too...we didn't make it back to Serenity until way after 2:00 that morning and our little man was wiped out...Criss and I got him out of his Snoopy costume...then put him to bed and covered him up...then told him night...

Klayton was down on the couch with a bag of candy eating the hell out of the butterfinger bars, while watching the Monster Vision Halloween movie marathon of Godzilla...Criss snickered as he kissed my neck and said he was going to be glued to that television until every single one of those Godzilla movies played...and was over with...I smiled at him and asked him if he wanted to sit with him and watch them for a while...Criss gave a little sigh and said maybe for a few of them...but he really wanted to go upstairs and be with his wife on our wedding night...I kissed his lips then bit on his ear and told him we had our entire lives to do that in...but this was a moment that we needed to share with Stoney...knowing it was his absolute favorite movies...and only tonight were they playing them in sequence without commercials.

Criss grabbed a few sodas and made popcorn...then jumped on the other side of me so I could be in between them both as we ate candy, popcorn, and watched the complete Legacy of Godzilla...from beginning to its end...and at 7:00 that morning we all three were still wide awake watching Godzilla with Stoney...he was so hooked on the shows...it was so cute...he was like a little kid again...Johnny woke up and crawled up in our laps and watched the last Godzilla with us...as soon as it was over...Klayton jumped on Johnny's pallet that was on the floor...and went to sleep instantly.

I gave Criss a kiss and told him he could join him...and that I would get Johnny's breakfast for him...Criss didn't argue with me...he crawled in beside Stoney and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow...I got Johnny's breakfast made...then grabbed him a juice box from the fridge and poked the straw in for him...then I cleaned the kitchen up as he was eating...after he was done...he handed me his plate and tossed his empty juice box in the trash...then went to his room and grabbed Hammie, and his little blankie...and crawled in between his daddy and his Uncle Klayton...and watched cartoons in silence...until he conked out like a light...again. 

But I didn't want to go to sleep and leave Johnny up by himself...so I stayed awake...until Mama D came out of the back room and told me to go to bed...that she was full of daily energy and would take care of Johnny when he woke up from his short morning nap...I kissed her on the cheek and told her thanks...then I went straight to my bedroom and crashed...but when I woke up to go pee...I looked around and saw Klayton and Criss both sleeping in the bed with me...I went to the bathroom and heard the vaccuum cleaner going and I knew mama D must have ran them off with the noise...so I gave a little sigh and crawled back in between them...and just lay there looking at my boys and Stoney...all sleeping around me...and I looked up at the sky and told my Grandmother that I found where I belonged...I had a son...a husband...a steady boyfriend...and many brothers and sisters...I was happy and home...where we all lived happily til the end of our days.

  *~THE END~*

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