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(Kc's p.o.v.)

I was slowly walking down the hallway...toward the kitchen to grab a drink...when I looked in where I heard Criss and his lil boy talking...I took a peek and saw them washing down the walls where Johnny drew all kinds of pictures with crayons...I kept looking down at them both...wondering what it would be like if Criss was my soulmate...and I didn't know it...I would be ecstatic if he was...because I adored his son...and his entire family for that matter...but I also had an immediate attraction for his friend Klayton...and when I accepted his hand when I was sitting on the bench...I did feel a strange inner pulling toward him...I moved away from the door and grabbed a Coke from the fridge...and just sat down at the table trying to figure out what I should do...because all of Dimitra's words of wisdom hasn't left my mind...it was all overloading my brain at once.

What if what my grandmother raised me to believe...was just a story, just to keep my spirits up knowing that I did have someone out there...I didn't want to live in a fantasy world...and miss out on the real love that could possibly be waiting for me with Klayton or Criss...been Dimitra said they both were fighting over me...but if I gave up the journey...would I be betraying my grandmother's last wish...and breaking my promise to her...I was so confused I didn't know what to think anymore...and I have been with Criss and his family for almost the entire month now...and still didn't get very far on my journey...but in my heart, the longer I stayed with Criss and his family...the less interested I became in starting up that journey again.

By being in deep thought listening to myself talk in my head...I didn't hear Criss come up behind me...and when he touched my shoulder...I almost jumped out of my seat...he snickered a little bit...but apologized for startling me...then he sat down beside me and asked me if I was alright. I took a few sips of my pop, and told him my brain wouldn't turn off this evening...and I was finding it rather difficult to sleep. Criss put his hand on mine...and said he would have been to sleep hours ago...if his little Houdini didn't decide on playing Picasso on his bedroom walls. I giggled with him and told him I saw the ending of his little masterpiece as he and Johnny were cleaning it up.

Criss went silent for a long time...and I was just about ready to get off the chair...and head back to my room, and try to get to sleep...but he hopped off his chair and followed me...then stopped me in the middle of the hallway...and told me that he really liked me...and he knew that in a few days he would be taking me to the doctors to have my cast removed...and he pulled me into a slight hug and said he didn't want me to leave. I slightly chuckled, as I hugged him back...and told him I was in no hurry to leave...if he and his mom would allow me to stay longer. Criss moved back from me and with a huge grin from ear to ear...he said I was definitely welcome to stay as long as I wanted...or better yet as long as he wanted me too...for that would even be a lot longer.

After Criss went to his bedroom...I silently walked into Johnny's room and knelt down and brushed his hair away from his eyes...and kissed his forehead gently...as ideas and emotions flooded thru my mind...about what it would be like to be his mom...and have a family...and to know true love...the feeling was so strong it made tears form in my eyes, but before my tears fell...I stood up and went back into my room and snuggled up under my blankets...then turned off my bedside light and tried to get some sleep...even though it wouldn't be much for it was already way after midnight.

Criss was in his room staring up at the ceiling fan...wishing like hell that I was laying in his arms right then...he rolled over and turned out his bedside light...then turned around to face the wall...as he tried to sleep...but as soon as his eyes closed...his mind began to race...and the only thing on his mind was me...whether they were visions...or merely dreams...he woke back up around three in the morning...and was silently crying to himself because of how beautiful they were...and how happy he felt...he took a deep sigh, and closed his eyes again...and said to himself...how badly he wished for those dreams to come true...slowly he drifted off back to sleep.

Dimitra and Johnny were up first the next morning...in the kitchen making waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, and freshly squeezed orange juice. After she and Johnny sat the table and got him in his booster seat...she headed toward my room first and looked in...and I was still asleep...then she headed to Criss's room and she peeked in...and his room was still very dark, and he was sound asleep with his head buried under his pillow...and his leg hanging off the edge of the bed. She snickered a little bit...then went into the hall right in between both of our rooms and hollered to us both that breakfast was on...and if we wanted any...we both needed to get our sleepy heads out of bed. I lifted my head up and looked at the clock...then hopped out of bed and quickly got dressed. Criss however, just groaned to himself and tossed his covers over himself trying to hide from it all.

I came out and sat next to Johnny and patiently waited...for Criss to grace us all with his presence...Johnny got tired of waiting and hollered for him to wake up and come for breakfast...Criss grumbled and tossed the blankets off him and onto the floor...then walked out into the dining room in his sleep trunks and his messy morning hair...and sat down still half asleep...and looked at all of us and said this was as good as he was getting this morning...and that maybe after he ate and had some coffee...he might get dressed, and fix his rats nest hair...Johnny looked at him and giggled...which made Criss act juvenile and make funny faces at him...and put his fingers thru his hair and really make it messy and stand up on its ends...then he looked over at me and asked if it was better now...but all I could do was give him a thumbs up...because I was laughing too hard to speak.

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