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Three more weeks went by after the first night I slept in the same room with Criss, then every night after that I slept with him...my guest room became an empty room again...and Criss wanted to take a wild leap into a more productive and serious relationship with me...after I got used to being with him...for every date that we went on together pulled us that much closer together...with bonds stronger then magnets...Kim and Rachel often joked about it saying they could actually see the blue electric charge that held us together. Johnny became the happiest boy around when he realized that I wasn't going to leave. But that didn't stop Klayton from making his appearances and teasing, flirting, and kissing on me in front of Criss...he just told him to deal with it...that he was there, and not gonna change...Criss let him get by with it...knowing that he was just doing it to push his buttons.

I have been out of my cast for two weeks now...and running around all over the city with Kim, Rachel, and Sandy...while the guys stayed at home with the kids. But every time I bought anything it was never for me...it was always for Johnny or Criss...my girlfriends didn't get me at all...wondering why I didn't ever buy me anything...I looked at them very honestly and told them there was nothing else I needed...that I was completely happy with what I had. When he got back from our shopping spree and I handed Johnny his new batch of toys I got for him...along with some clothes and a hat that I just had to see him in...then I went to Criss and started ripping his clothes off wanting him to try on the new clothes that I picked out for him...but he turned a bright red when I handed him the comical night shorts I got for him...I laughed at him and told him that I was the only one going to see him wearing them...and I thought they were so cute. They were light red and green with Scooby-Doo on them and where the center of his underwear was his open bag that said Scooby Snacks...it was a little perverted...but very cute at the same time...and they fit him perfectly...but then again everything that he put on looked perfect.

I was now relaxing a little bit talking with Dimitra while having some lemonade...when Criss came running out the door telling me and his mommy that his much waited for phone call finally came...and he was ready to head back to Vegas now that they were ready for him to go back to work...with the theater all fixed up. Dimitra gave him a big hug and said how wonderful his news was...then added that she missed him and Johnny already. Criss stopped and went over to me and asked me if I would go with him...that he didn't want to be without me...ever...that he and Johnny both needed me. I gave a slight hesitating look toward Dimitra...and when she gave me her reassuring smile...I told him I would love to be with him and Johnny...and that there was no other place I'd rather be.

Criss lifted me up and spun me in many circles and kissed me all over...telling me how happy he was...after he sat me down...he pulled out a promise ring...and asked me if I would be his girl...as soon as I seen the ring...those bells my grandmother told me about...I finally heard them!! I grabbed the ring and quickly put it on...and told him I would always and forever be his girl...then I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down and kissed him very deeply. When I finally decided to pull away from him...he magically had red smoke coming out of his mouth...with a million watt grin from ear to ear across his face...and told me that kiss had fire on it. 

The next few days Criss and I were packing up and getting ready to leave...but when the moment came and we were all loading up...I gave mama D a hug and told her I didn't like the idea of leaving her alone in New York...she gave me a hug and told me that she wasn't alone...that Stoney came over to be with her all the time...and she had JD, Rachel, lil Dimi, and their toddler to keep her company...then every now and then Costa and Kim would come over and spend a few weeks with her...so she was never alone...and that she just wanted her Crisstopher to be happy...and his happiness was with his son and me...then she went to my ear and told me to let her know when I decided to set the wedding date. I looked at her and gave her a smile then a wink...and told her I would definitely make sure she was the first one to tell...then I kissed her on the cheek and told her bye, and that I would call her every day and talk to her during tea time...just like we did here at her house. Criss hugged and kissed her next then handed Johnny to her so she could say bye to her grandson...then we all loaded up in his vehicle...and waved one last time before we pulled out...and headed to Las Vegas, Nevada.

The trip didn't seem as long as I thought it would...but Criss told me that most of it had to do with the happiness we had together and that when your having fun...time flies by...and before you know it the trip is over...and we would be home...and as I held his hand and watched Johnny sound asleep in his booster seat...I knew he was right...for three hours later, he was pulling up into the driveway of a very enormous castle-like mansion!! My eyes widened and my jaw dropped at the utter beauty of it...Criss pulled me out and gave me a hug as he smiled at my face expression...and said welcome to my new home...Serenity.

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