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JD, Rachel, Kim, and Costa loaded their rugrats into their vehicles...and told us all bye...and that they would visit again very soon...Criss came out and said they better be ready for the next time we have a family reunion...that it would be for celebrating mine and his wedding...they all grinned and said they would believe it when they seen it...Mama D and Klayton decided to stay with us longer and just take a plane back to Long Island whenever they decided to...if they ever decided to leave.

Three days after the our brothers and sisters left...we were bombarded with our friends Sully and Sandy and their new little girl Skylar...and they wanted to stay with us for a few weeks...before Sully had to go back on tour with his band. As soon as Klayton heard Sully...he slid Stutter off of his chest and ambled down the stairs to give him hell...they were always butting heads about who was better with the drums and with the guitar...sad to say Sully was great...but anything Sully could do Klayton could mimic it...which was why he was called 'The Jack of All Trades'...there wasn't an instrument known to man that he couldn't play.

Klayton slid down the banister and ran into me carrying the lemonade and caught both glasses before they fell on the floor...then gave me a cheesy grin and said that was a close one...then he kissed me on the forehead...and ran into the room to start some shit with Sully...it wasn't even three minutes after they caught sight of each other that the war was on...but instead of breaking them up...Criss, Sandy and I just watched in mild amusement...and quite thankful...that Mama D decided to take Johnny to the park to play for a while...so she could get out of the house. The three guys raced down the stairs to the man-cave...and went straight for Criss's drums...and Klayton already had his guitar down there...he never left home without it.

The house was officially rock'n' after they made it down there...and I was sure Criss was playing right along with them...so Sandy and I decided to take our lemonade outside to the backyard...to drink and do a little swimming in the pool in peace. After three hours of nonstop headbanging electric twanging music down in the basement...Criss came up and grabbed three beers out of the fridge and peeked his head out the sliding door and said they were done with the band war...and they decided on playing a little billiards instead...then he ran out and swiped a kiss from me as I told them to play nice. Mama D and Johnny made it home and after their heavy playing and long walk back home...they both decided to crash for a while and watch some television while they rested.

The three guys finally decided to make it back up the stairs and join mama D and Johnny in the living room...Klayton and Criss both slid in on each side of Johnny and Skylar...on the pallet in the floor and took a short nap...Sully sat next to Mama D on the couch and had a little chat with her while watching The Land Before Time 3: The Time of The Great Giving...Johnny loved his dinosaur cartoons...Sandy and I were now in the kitchen getting ready to start dinner when Criss and Klayton both came in and ran us both out...saying they were cooking this evening...so Sandy and I took their spots on the pallet and decided to take a nap with the kids.

Criss and Klayton decided to do some major grilling out on the patio...nice juicy thick melt in your mouth Ribeye Steaks...along with seasoned potato wedges, and a nice salad to go on the side...So Klayton played the grill-master...while Criss was making his famous Greek Salad...that he learned from his dad...then he went out to help Stoney finish up the steaks...Stoney carried the meat into the kitchen then they both used teamwork to get the table set...after the food was already on all the plates Criss came in and told Sully and his mommy that food was ready...Sandy was in the bathroom helping Skylar with her training undies...then washed both their hands and went to the dining room and sat down after she put her in her booster seat...Klayton was standing over Skylar cutting up her meat for her...I went back into the living room and laid down next to me and Johnny and tickled my nose...telling me it was time to eat...I smiled at him without opening my eyes...and pulled him next to me...and told him OK.

I followed him into the dining room holding onto his hand with Johnny hanging on his neck...after I was seated he sat Johnny in his booster seat and cut up his meat for him...then gave him a little bit of ketchup on the side for his tater wedges...but he always ended up dunking his meat in his ketchup too...but I couldn't say anything about that...because so did I...our supper was an excellent one...even though it was rather quiet...after everyone finished Sully grabbed his little toddler and said he hated to eat and rush out...but he and his duo had to catch an early flight in the morning...then he slapped Klayton on the back and told him it was always fun to do band wars with him...then they both headed out to his car and left...Mama D was in the kitchen getting ready to do the dishes...but Stoney stopped her and he did them this time...and I dried them and put them away...except for the dinner plates...Criss had to do that for me...because I was too short to reach the overhead cabinets.

Klayton gave me a kiss on the cheek then grabbed Stutter, and said he was going to turn in early...he went upstairs with his cup of water...and went to bed...Mama D did the same thing as she had a cup of hot tea instead...then she snuggled in and read a little before turning in...Criss was gently carrying his little man to his room...because he fell asleep in the chair with Hammie on his lap...Criss tucked him in and gave him two kisses one for me and one for him...then he turned on his night light...and quietly shut the door...then spun around and opened it a little so Hammie could squeeze thru...because he preferred sleeping in there with him...I was already in the bed with all the lights off except the bedside lamp...Criss went to the bathroom then came out in his sleeping shorts...and crawled in beside me...the light went out...we made love and snuggled up and went to sleep.

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