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After we all finished breakfast...and got the kitchen cleaned up...the house was loaded with family and friends coming in. Kim and Rachel pulled me in a huge sisterly like group hug...and said how happy and excited they were for me getting my cast off tomorrow...and that they couldn't wait for me to be able to go to all the local malls and go shopping with them. Jd and Costa were holding onto their kids because they couldn't stay very long...and they knew if they sat them down...they would have a hard time catching them again...because they never liked leaving grandma's house.

JD was holding his now sleeping little tiny tot...talking to Criss, about me...I was in the other room talking to Dimitra, Kim, and Rachel about him and Klayton and that they both liked me...but I didn't know if either of them were my soulmate...or if I left the silly notion alone...and just chose one...I didn't know which one to choose. But for as silly as my conversation was with them...in the end none of them helped me any...for Kim told me to choose Klayton...and Rachel told me to choose Criss...and when I looked over at Dimitra she just shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't have any advice for me on that subject...except to follow my heart...and it would tell me who Mr. Right was out of them.

I gave a deep troublesome sigh as I told them bye and I couldn't wait for that mall shopping spree we were going to have...then I went into the living room and carelessly plopped next to Criss and Johnny and placed my head on my hands to mimic both of them...and remained very quiet and just looked back and forth at them...until I got them both to smile at me...Dimitra was walking into the room getting ready to sit in her chair...when the doorbell rang endlessly...Criss grumbled and said Stoney was at the damn door. Then he stood up and kissed his mom on the cheek and said he would get it. I leaned back on the couch and played a silly hand game with Johnny...when Klayton came in the room and gave me a smile...then slid down beside me and asked me how I was doing this fine morning...no matter how I tried to hold it in...he just naturally made me smile and laugh.

But I noticed how Criss went over to the far chair and showed me plainly that he was pouting and didn't like Klayton flirting with me...but he didn't say anything either. When Johnny realized that his uncle Klayton took over my attention for the time...he went over to his daddy and crawled in his lap...wanting him to hold him...and play the hand game with him...Criss gave into his son and played with him...even though his mind was in maximum overdrive about Klayton moving in on his girl. Dimitra fell asleep in her chair after reading from her book...so Criss went over to her and turned off her reading lamp...and easily picked his mommy up and carried her to her room so she could rest comfortably instead of cramped up in the rocking chair...Johnny got tired of being in the adult's company so he went to his room, to play with his toys in his closet.

Klayton stood up and gave a stretch, and held his hand out to me, and asked me if I would like to go for a walk with him...to get out of the house, and get some fresh air and exercise at the same time...I gladly accepted his offer, and followed him out the door...but I slightly turned my head hoping to see Criss come out and join us...but he didn't come...so I just went with Klayton alone to see what he had to say. After he walked around the block with me out of sight of the house...he wrapped his hand around mine...and looked right at me and told me that he was very attracted to me...and that he would be lying if he said he wasn't falling head over heels in love with me...I wanted to say something...but he stopped me and started talking again.

He looked deep into my eyes and said but his best friend was deeply in love with me too...and he's taken so many of his girls away from him in the past that he just couldn't do it to him this time...no matter how much it hurt him to walk away from me...he needed to let Criss have his chance to be with me...plus he realized how much his godson fell in love with me too...and Criss's entire family for that matter...then he gave me a very enduring hug...and said if for some reason Criss and I didn't work...that he would be right there to take over...then he turned around and said he would always consider me his friend, then he started to walk away...but he stopped and pulled me into his arms and laid a very long lasting kiss on me...then he put his shades on and walked off...and told me to tell his little blood brother that he officially tossed himself out of the competition...then he hopped into his car...and drove around the corner and out of sight.

I stood there in quite a stupor for about 10 minutes...then I shook it off, and slowly headed back to the porch where Criss was sitting on the swing staring mindlessly into his cup of coffee...I moved toward the swing and gently sat down beside him and moved in close to his face and peeked into his coffee cup and asked him what was so mesmerizing about his cup of coffee this morning. He looked up at me and gave me a slight smile but didn't answer me as he drank some of it...then he asked me what Stoney had to say. I gave him a reassuring look and said that he just wanted to tell me that he was head over heels in love with me...and to cram his tongue down my throat...Criss looked at me with a crazy expression on his face...then I leaned my head on his shoulder and told him...that Klayton told me to tell him...that he officially tossed himself out of the competition whatever that meant. Criss looked at me then slowly wrapped his arm around me and very sweetly asked me if I'd be his...that he fell in love with me too.

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