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I finally made it out of town, and was back on the open road with hardly any traffic at all...I didn't know where I was headed to next...and I didn't really care...I was too excited for the now moment instead of the wonder of the place I was going to visit next...it started out peaceful and very lovely...but after only a few hours of walking...the sky began to get very dark, along with the wind gradually picking up...I gave a deep sigh, and knew I was going to be rained on and perhaps even stormed on very soon...but where was I going to find shelter on the open road with nothing but highway and trees on each side of me...with absolutely no sign of houses or passing vehicles.

All I could do was quicken my pace...and hope there was an old barn or farm house I could take refuge in until the storm passed...but again...not my luck...I was now being lightly sprinkled on...as I jogged down the road...then the sprinkles turned into massive water drops...bummer! torrential downpour!! I was officially soaked in minutes...so I just put my duffel bag over my head and walked thru the rain. But my grandmother always told me there was no sense in crying over things that I have no control over...and to just keep trudging thru it until it passed...so onward I marched...until I heard thunder rolling from a distance...and when you could hear thunder that meant lightning was always coming with it...I needed to find shelter.

Just as the storm was beginning to get serious a large vehicle pulled up to me...a man jumped out of the vehicle and told me that I needed to get in...because a serious storm was building very quickly...and I was walking right toward it...I didn't argue with him and hopped in quickly...after he jumped in, he reached in the back seat and grabbed a couple towels and handed me one of them...as he dried off with the other one. I thanked him for his kindness...as I laid the towel down by my feet. He looked at me, and realized that I was the same girl he saw walking out of Sully's studio a few days ago...he held out his free hand to me and said he was Criss...I accepted his hand and shook it...as I told him I was Kc.

Then suddenly from the backseat, I heard a squeaky voice pipe out that he was Johnny...I looked in the back and saw the most adorable toddler I have ever seen...I gave him a smile and shook his little hand and told him I was very pleased to meet him...then I pulled out a couple apples that was in my bag...and asked him if he'd like one...Johnny shook his head frantically. I took my pocket knife out and cut it into slices then tossed the core out the window...then handed them to him...he gave me a big smile as he thanked me...I cut up the second one and asked Criss if he'd like some...he accepted a few of the slices...and mindlessly popped them into his mouth...as he thanked me...I ate the other half then tossed the second core out the window.

After a few hours of silence Criss asked me where I was heading...I gave him a silly smile and told him that I wasn't really heading anywhere in particular...that I was going to end up going all over because I was searching for the other half of my soul. Criss slowed down as he looked at me, very inquisitively...then he asked me to run that by him again. So I chuckled a little bit and told him the story that my grandmother told me...and that before she died I promised her that I would take that journey...so here I am. Criss slowly shook his head...while tapping on the steering wheel lightly trying to keep his laughter in...because that was the most hilarious thing he'd ever heard of...then he wondered if maybe I wasn't quite all there in my pretty little head. 

But when he asked me about my life and childhood...and me being so free spirited I told him everything...he realized that my grandmother was just giving me something to look forward too and something to believe in...because of my total seclusion from the world and any people...especially when he heard how I lost both of my parents at the same time at a very young age...with no friends my age to play with...or anyone to mingle with other than my grandmother that claimed to be some kind of psychic. After I ran out of things to talk about...I asked him about himself...he snickered a little bit, and asked me what I would like to know. I gave him a cute smile...and said anything he felt like talking about.

Criss gave a sigh, as he told me his childhood story...and his admiration for Houdini, and music...then he told me how it changed his life and became the greatest Illusionist of all time...I had to admit, I was very taken by his story...then I asked him about his little angel sleeping in the backseat. Criss gave a slight moment of silence then told me that his mother was killed in an accident...and instead of giving him up for adoption...he fully adopted him...and had been raising him as a single dad ever since...and that it was the greatest move he ever made. I looked back at the sleeping little man and told him I couldn't agree more with a face as sweet as that. The ride got really quiet as Criss turned on the radio, and listened to Korn, and I found myself trying to sleep...so after fighting it off for an hour I finally fell asleep.

Criss looked back at his son, then looked over at me and smiled to himself then gave a deep sigh when he realized the storm wasn't going to let up...and he was getting tired of straining trying to see thru the torrential rain...so he pulled up at a hotel and took the necessities in the room he got...then went back out and got his sleeping son...and rushed him into the room...finally he gently lifted me out of the vehicle then locked it up with his push button...then laid me down on the second bed and lightly covered me up with a blanket...then he slid into the bed next to his little boy and took a much needed nap.

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