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I've been on the road for over two weeks now...and I made it to the city of Boston, where I was hoping to find my soulmate...but I remembered my grandmothers words...when she told me that it would be an incredible journey...and it would take time...so I didn't get my hopes up...if he wasn't there...because I had 49 other states to journey thru in search of him...so I took my time...I ran into a bunch of shady characters along the way...and learned very quickly that there were bad people just as there was good...but I had a special ability that caught them all off guard...my grandmother taught me how to defend myself mentally...from evil attacks...and after I used it on my attackers...they ran away rather quickly and I never had problems with them again...I never had to use it before...so I was pleased with how well it worked on them.

After my third day in Boston...I decided to find a safe place to rest for a while...I went to an Inn hoping they would trade a room for some work...just until I rested up...because my grandmother didn't believe in money...she raised me telling me it was the fruit of all evil...so I never had or needed any. After my third place, I went to...I finally got one of them to accept the trade...so I cleaned the rooms and vacuumed the floors in return for a place to sleep, and have a few hot meals. I stayed there for four days...before I thanked them then took off again in search...I went up to a lot of men and asked them what the felt when they looked at me...but when I touched their hands...none of them set my internal bell off...so I kept searching. Most of them thought I was a little crazy...and a few of them thought I was some kind of escapee from a mental institute...but they all said one thing to me that was the same...I was very sexy...whatever that meant.

It was during the evening of my last day in Boston when I came across a very exotic guy with markings all over his body...along with piercings everywhere...he was sitting behind his studio taking a smoke break...when he saw me sitting on the roadside...he gave me a smile, and asked me if I could use a place to stay until morning...that I looked tired. But after those few bad interactions, I had with a few men...I was a little leery of him...he slowly approached me and assured me that he was no danger to me...that he was a singer in a band...and that he had a wife...but if I wanted to come inside I could meet her...and maybe have a bite to eat...and get rested up a little.

I stood up and went to get my bag, but he grabbed it for me then he held his hand out to me and said his name was Sully...I accepted his hand and told him I was Kc. I followed him into his very large studio...where I saw his bandmates on the stage...along with a very nice looking lady placing a microphone on its pedestal...Sully called her over to where we were at...and told her to find her something to eat...and make her a place to rest up...then he gave me a smile and said that she was his wife, Sandy...I looked at her and shook her hand...then asked him if she was his soulmate...and how long it took him to find her...Sully wrapped his arms around her and said yes she was...and that it took him three months to find her...and another three months to get her to say yes to him...but ever since she did...everything went perfectly after that.

Sandy took me into the kitchen area and prepared me a nice meal that she warmed up from their meal earlier...then as I was eating she pulled out a cot and fresh blankets...and a pillow...then she said I could rest there when I felt up to it...that she was going to be in the main studio watching Sully rehearse for his concert tomorrow night...I became very interested in what she was saying...for I never saw a concert before...so after I finished and cleaned up my dish...I asked her if I could watch too...she gave me a smile and said, of course, I could. I followed her into the studio part again...and sat down in one of the chairs and listened, watched, and tried to understand...once I got the hang of that type of entertainment...I decided that I loved it.

Their rehearsal ended after a few hours...and Sully told his band that it was a wrap...and that he'd see them all tomorrow for the show...then he hopped off the stage, and laid his hand on Sandy and asked me what I thought of it...I told him I loved it...especially the drums along with the sound of his voice. He gave me a hug and thanked me...then he said he was about ready to hit the sack...he walked toward his Rv that was in the studio...but before he hopped in with his wife...he asked me if I was going to be sticking around for the concert tomorrow night...that he would really like me to stick around. I told him I wouldn't want to miss it for anything...he gave me a big grin and told me that was awesome...then he turned out the lights and told me he'd see me tomorrow then...

I thanked them both for their kindness...as I crawled into the cot...and said my night prayer that my grandmother taught me...then I snuggled up under the blanket, closed my eyes...and drifted off to sleep. I had many dreams about finding my soulmate...that left me in deep wonder...what he would look like...would he be tall or short...would he have long hair or no hair...would he be small or large...what color would his eyes be...there were so many types of people in the world...all different...but all amazing in their own way...I just really wanted to know what my other half to my whole would be like...but after a while, my dreams stopped, and I finally went into a deep and restful sleep...awaiting for morning...and for the concert, I was going to be apart of tomorrow.

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