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After I heard those words come from Criss's lips...I literally didn't know how to respond...because I never had that kind of interaction before...unlike Klayton who just came right up to me and kissed me like that without warning...Criss was asking me to be his...but his what...I didn't really know what he was wanting from me...I didn't want him to think I was a total dumbass...but the truth of the matter was...I was completely dumb...about almost everything...because it was all so new to me.

I gave a deep sigh, and asked him what he meant by that...because I didn't understand any of it...and I even told him I was still initially in shock from Stoney cramming his tongue down my throat earlier...I just didn't get it. Criss smiled at me and said that was just a way a guy showed a girl affection and emotional expression...and even in some cases, it was how a guy thanked or apologized to a girl they liked. He slid his hand over mine and gave it a little squeeze, and asked me if I would like to maybe take Johnny to the park so together we could run some of his packed up energy off of him...so he would go to bed early tonight...then he added that it would give me and him some alone time to talk...I held onto his hand and told him I'd really like that.

Criss jumped up a little too quickly and caught me off guard when he pulled me into the house...to drop his cup off on the counter...then we both went into Johnny's room where he was playing with his dinosaurs that his Uncle Klayton got for him...when Criss asked him if he was interested in going to the park with us...he jumped up and said yeah very loudly as he grabbed his shoes and his ball. I smiled at him as I helped him tie his shoes up for him...then Criss put my hand in his...then he reached down and took a hold of Johnny's hand...and we all three walked toward the door...then Criss hollered out to his mom that we all were going to the park to play for a while...she told us all to have fun and take our time...that she was going to take a short nap before starting dinner.

I was now on one side of Johnny and Criss was on the other as we were both lifting him up and giving him a few swings as we were walking to the park...Criss was carrying Johnny's ball in his other hand...just to stay on the safe side until we made it to the park well away from the roads...right when we got to the park...Johnny wanted to play on the slippy slide, first...then he went over to where other kids and toddlers were playing on the monkey bars and the playground fort...Criss and I sat down under the shade tree while keeping our eyes on Johnny the entire time...just to make sure he didn't get hurt by the other kids. For a long time, Criss remained silent...and looked at me with smiling eyes. Then he gradually scooted over toward me until he was sitting right beside me holding my hand.

Then we got into conversing about what each of us wanted in life...then he moved into asking me what I thought my life would be like...if I decided on sharing my life with him and Johnny. I told him without hesitation that I loved Johnny very much...that he was the sweetest little thing I ever did see. Criss touched my face with his fingertips and asked me what I thought about sharing my life with him. I lowered my head and said I wasn't sure if that could happen...if he wasn't my soulmate...and so far I didn't hear any internal bells when we touched...Criss looked away feeling a little hurt...then moved in closer to me and gently placed his lips on mine...and kissed me ever so lightly...then moved away and said it was awful funny that I didn't hear them...because he heard them in full chime.

I smiled at him, and said maybe my grandmother got it wrong about the ringing bells...that maybe the girl wasn't supposed to hear them...only the guy was meant to hear them...Criss gave me a warm smile and said if that was so...he was definitely hearing them. Just when he moved in to try that kiss on me a second time...we both heard Johnny crying loudly...and we jumped up and were beside him in the blink of an eye...but he wasn't hurt...he was crying because a bigger boy took his ball away and wouldn't give it back. Criss went over to the kid and asked him for his son's ball back...but the little snot kicked Criss in the shin and ran from him with Johnny's ball tucked under his arms.

Criss went back over to Johnny and told him not to worry that he would get him another ball...and that some kids weren't happy unless they were causing another unhappiness...and that Johnny shouldn't be upset or sad...but he should feel sorry for that boy...Johnny looked up at his daddy and said that boy was mean...and he felt sad for him...then he came over to me wanting to be held. I picked him up and told him that no object was worth crying over...that his daddy would get him a better ball from the store...and maybe that the other boy was being that way...because his daddy didn't take care of him, or ignored him...and that was the only way he knew how to react with others. Johnny wrapped his arms tightly around my neck and out of the blue...very clearly called me mommy...and that he loved me.

I looked over at Criss as a few emotional tears began to form in my eyes...it was the happiest emotional thing that ever happened to me...then Johnny turned to Criss and asked his daddy if we all could go home now...Criss smiled at him as he put his arm around both of us...and said we could...but first he was going to the store to get him a new ball...then because he was such a good boy...he was going to stop by the ice cream store and get us each an ice cream cone with sprinkles on top...Johnny clapped his hands wildly and gave a slight squeal of pure delight.

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