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{Criss p.o.v.}

As soon as Stoney and I got out of Kc's hearing range I totally reamed Stoney's ass out for getting in my way...even after I slapped the shit out of him...all he did was laugh his ass off, and tell me that the competition was on...because he actually really liked Kc too...I looked at him in disbelief and stated that all the other girls I liked that he fought over with me he didn't like!!...Stoney shrugged his shoulders and said they were worth fighting for at the moment...but two days after he won...they just wasn't worth it anymore...I looked at him and called him an asshole...that a few of them I really liked. 

Klay wrapped his arm around me and said he did me a huge favor...by showing their true colors...that while I was really falling for them...those bitches were just playing me...because if they had really liked me back...they would have never chosen him over me. I laughed a little as I told him I really fucking hated it...when he used reverse psychology shit on me...but in a way, he was right, though...I guess...but I couldn't stay pissed off at him...because he was my brother from another mother...and I loved the hell out of him...I turned to face him and told him not to take this girl away from me...because I really liked this one...and so did my family...and my son...and I knew if he gave just a little effort with his devilishly charming ways...he could win Kc over very easily...and I told myself that I really wanted her for myself...and that she would make the perfect mother for Johnny.

Meanwhile, back in the guest room where Kc was sitting in the rocking chair because she was tired of being stuck in the bed...Dimitra was sitting on the edge of the bed explaining to her about why the two boys were acting like that...because she never experienced two guys fighting over wanting her at the same time...or at all for that matter. Kc gave Dimitra an insecure look and asked her what if neither one of them was her soulmate...that she couldn't just accept one without them being the right one...Dimitra gave a deep sigh and put her hands on hers...and told her that she needed to take love where she could find it...and not wait for the Mr. Right...that wasn't out there...when Mr. Right was any man that loved her unconditionally...and she could return that love...that was what her grandmother meant by telling her about that story...then Dimitra rubbed the side of Kc's head...and told her that only she could decide what was right.

Dimitra left Kc in the room thinking about what she had told her...hoping that she would give up the silly quest that was nothing more than a story...when in reality...there were two guys outside right now arguing about which one was going to win her heart...which was rather refreshing to see again...because the last time Dimitra saw those two boys fighting over a girl...was when they were in high school. She was just glad they never got serious enough about it to kill each other over it...even though she believed that not even a lovely girl could ever truly come between those two crazy boys...because they just loved and respected each other too much.

Stoney ended up telling me that he wouldn't do anything extra out of the way...and just be nice to her...then if she picked him...it would be because she just liked him more...and not because he charmed her into it...I shook my head then gave him a hug...and told him that it was fair enough...then told him that I would see him later...as he waved to my mother from the porch then ran down the street to where he parked his car...then headed off to his studio to work on the last few filler songs for his new album he was working on. I slowly ambled up to the porch and gave my mommy a big hug...and asked her if she thought I had a chance to win Kc's heart over Stoney...she just gave me a squeeze and said it was going to be a very hard decision for Kc...and a very big challenge for me...because Kc really liked Stoney's exotic look...and his spur of the moment charm when they first met. I gave a deep sigh and said as I slowly walked into the house that I was going to lose her.

My mom followed me into the house and sat down on the sofa as I plopped beside her and laid my head on her lap...she told me that it was very possible that neither of us would win her heart...if she doesn't get over the story her grandmother sunk into her mind...that no matter how charming either of us was...she would only chose the one that was the other part of her soul...which would never happen...because she only had one soul...and it was never split apart...I jumped up off the couch and told my mom that was it!! I needed to make Kc believe that I was her soulmate!...because if I could pull it off...she would be with me and love me forever!

My mom grabbed me by my shirt tail like I was a naughty little boy...and told me to sit down...I obediently sat down...and knew she was going to give me the talk. So I gave a sigh and waited for it. She looked at me and said that was not the way to win her heart...by playing foolish games with her...that encouraging her that the story was real...wasn't going to help her...that it would, in fact, make her condition worse. She told me that I needed to rise above the game, and be a real man...and show her that true love could come from any man...and that a soulmate was just a word...that means two people that connect so perfectly together in mind body and spirit...that everyone around them can see that they were made for each other.

Not by trying to live the life from a fairy tale from an ancient kid's book...I looked down at my feet knowing my mommy was right...and promised her that I wouldn't do it that way. Then she kissed me on the forehead and told me that I was a very good boy...but told me that I needed to go check on my other good little boy...because he has been very quiet in his room...and to a very experienced mother...a very quiet little boy was usually up to something he shouldn't be...I silently walked into Johnny's room and peeked in the door...and saw him drawing all over the walls with his crayons. My first impact was wanting to spank his little ass...but I calmed down and told him to stop right now. Johnny looked up at me with his eyes getting big fast...I took the crayons from his hands...and told him that grandma didn't want her walls decorated...even though they were very good drawings...then I told him to help me clean his art...preferrably before his grammie seen it.

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