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I was up bright and early the next morning overly excited for this concert I was going to see...I quickly picked up the bedding that Sandy had given to me to use and folded them neatly and put them on the table...then I folded the cot up and put it back in the storage room. I looked around until I found the restrooms...I went in and noticed it had a shower in there as well...so I hopped in quickly and cleaned myself up...then put my clothes back on and sat down in one of the chairs, and began to braid my long hair into tiny braids...so that it would be out of my face for a while. I tried not to make a lot of noise because I was the only one up...but it didn't work out the greatest...I pulled my carry bag out from under the table and the strap from it was entangled in one of the folding chairs and as I gave it a tug...the chair fell to the floor making a very loud bang as it hit.

Sully was up instantly and looking out the RV's door...asking me if I was alright...I quickly apologized for making the racket...and that my bag was tangled up in the chair...Sully chuckled a little bit and told me not to worry...that he was actually a little thankful for the loud alarm clock...because he was actually late on getting up...then he went back in and got dressed and gave Sandy a wake up kiss and told her that it was a new day...and there was a lot of shit to do before the concert and that she needed to get her sexy little ass out of bed and help him...Sandy loved helping her hubby...but she was not a morning person...she rolled away from him and grumbled at him...Sully slid over to the bed once more and kissed her neck...then slapped her ass and told her up and out time...Sandy lifted her head up and growled at him...then she tossed her pillow at him...and said she was up...already...then she told him to get out and she'd be out shortly.

Sully flew out of the RV snickering the entire time...until he came over to me and asked me how my night was...I told him that I slept like a baby...then I thanked him again for the place to sleep...he gave me a slight hug and told me I was very welcome...he went to the stage area and turned on all the lights...and began to slowly setup the stage...I wasn't doing anything so I decided that been he was kind to me...that I would offer to give him a hand...after he showed me what he needed done and I got the hang of it...I went to work...he was actually impressed by my quick and accurate work. By the time Sandy got out of the RV...Sully gave her a little kiss and told her that the setup was done...that his new helper was busier than a group of bees. Sandy smiled at him and said how thankful she was for that...now she didn't have to worry about doing it this time.

A few hours later, Shannon Larkin, Robbie Merrill, and Tony Rombola came plowing thru the doors...Sully formerly introduced his band-mates to me...as Tony handed out the Starbucks coffees to everyone...as the others jumped up on the stage and got into their spots for some more rehearsing...before the big night tonight. Sandy was up toward the front of the studio getting the ticket booth ready...because she knew once she opened it, she would probably be sold out within two to three hours...but at $75.00 a ticket it was very good money...but Sully and his band worked hard for that money...and they loved to entertain people.

I had nothing else to do other than wait for the show to start...so I went up to where Sandy was selling the tickets...and I slid into the room with her and asked her if I could do anything to help...she stood up from the chair and plopped me into it...and said I could sell the tickets for a while...until she got back from using the restroom and getting a drink...she told me that it was very simple...they handed me 75.00 and in return all I had to do was take a ticket of it's roller and hand it back to them...I told her I knew nothing about money...so she gave me a quick lesson on counting and what the bills were...then she stood behind me as I tried it on my own...she told me happily that I was a very quick learner...then she raced out of the room and into the bathroom.

I ended up staying in the ticket booth selling the tickets for them until I ran out of them...I didn't know what to do...so I hollered for Sandy to tell me...she walked in and closed the booth up and said I was all done...that all the tickets were sold...she handed me a cherry Pepsi from the fridge and told me all that was left...was to wait for the show to start...which was going to be in three more hours. Time seemed to fly by after that...because what seemed like only moments later, crowds of people started piling into the studio and taking their numbered seats as they handed Sandy and I their tickets...The studio was full...the lights main lights went down...and the stage lights along with smoke and colorful explosions filled the stage...then the band was there and ready...the music began and I was entranced by their epic performance.

The concert lasted four hours...and every minute of it was awesome!...I was officially hooked on Sully's music from then on...after the show was over and everyone filed out of the studio...the band cleaned up the place, then took their tired asses to the hotel so they could get up and do it all over again next week in New York. After I helped them clean up...I packed my bag and was getting ready to leave...when Sully handed me a small music player...he told me he wanted me to have it...he showed me how it worked...then handed me a pack of batteries for it when the old ones died...I gave him a big hug, as he kissed me on the cheek...then I went over to Sandy and gave her a hug...and thanked her for her kindness...then I told them I had to be on my way...

Just as I was walking out...a very handsome man carrying a little sleeping boy in his arms walked in...he gave a slight look at me along with a warm smile...then went in and asked Sully who I was...but I was long gone...walking on my way to my next destination.

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