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Criss and I have been going out on romantic dates taking it very slowly...for a little over two weeks since our first walk thru the park...where Johnny called me mommy for the first time...and every time since then. Criss thought it was so sweet...that his little boy attached himself to someone after his real mother died in the accident that seemed like ages ago. Being with him was like living in the fairy tale...and I officially told Criss that I wasn't going to go thru with that journey...because I thought the other half of my soul was right here with him and Johnny...and I didn't need any ringing bells to tell me who the right and wrong one was for me.

Criss lifted me in the air and spun me around in a few full circles...then kissed me sweetly on the lips...and told me that was the best thing he's heard in his entire life...but he said that even though he knew I was staying with him...he still wanted to take it slow, right, and perfect in every detail...we went on evening strolls alone thru the park before bedtime...we took Johnny to Coney Island for the day and enjoyed the rides, and the fun filled day of adventure and joy. Then again as soon as Johnny went to bed, Dimitra babysat him while Criss took me out to clubs to dance and have some adult fun with Sandy, Sully, Stoney, Kim, Costa, Rachel, and JD...even though most of the night I was like a wishbone...between Klayton and Criss...both wanting to dance with me.

Sully and Sandy thought it was a funny thing to see...Klayton and Criss playfully arguing about who gets to dance with me...but after a few hours of them pulling me back and forth...I got fed up with their childish behavior and placed their hands in each others and told them to dance and I was going to go sit down at the bar and get a drink...Klayton looked at his little blood brother and shrugged his shoulders and told Criss that he was leading...and it was the highlight of the night...watching them two dance...but they fully intended it to make everyone laugh...by goofing off on the dance floor. 

After the slow dancing was over with...Criss asked them to juice it up...so he and Klayton could really take it to town...with some awesome break dancing...they did in a copycat form...after the first round Sully joined in along with a few strangers that thought they could keep up with Criss and Stoney...JD and Costa just watched...because they told me very quickly that they weren't limber enough for that shit anymore...and they were actually both surprised that Criss and Klayton still knew how to do it...for they haven't done that kind of dancing since high school...Rachel and Kim came up behind me and said at the same time that I brought the kid in them...then Sandy pulled around and said yeah juvenile kids with juvenile behavior.

The night finally died down, and we all said goodbye to our friends as Criss and Klayton both walked me to the house...but this time as soon as we got to the front gate of Dimitra's home, Klayton kissed me tenderly on the cheek...and told me good night...then gave Criss and brotherly handshake...then hopped in his car and peeled down the road. Criss wrapped his arm around me and walked me into the house...where we first went to Dimitra's room and told her we were home...then we walked into Johnny's room and looked down at him while he slept...and kissed him on the forehead...I went into the bathroom to get cleaned up and Criss grabbed a little nightcap...to share with me before bed...when I got out he walked with me to the sofa and we both plopped in it as he helped me out of my shoes...and in return, I helped him out of his.

Criss handed me the glass then we both sat back in each other's arms as we drank silently in the dark. Criss finished his first and sat the glass on the end table...then passionately held onto my free hand...and looked deeply into my eyes. I hesitated about finishing mine...but after I did...I slowly placed the empty glass next to his...and slightly turned to look at him. He gave me a very warm smile, that followed with a tender kiss...as he very gently moved in very close to me...and kissed me a little more deeply...and slowly placed one of his hands on my cheek, and the other one on my thigh...and rubbed gently as continued to kiss me...I thought it was going well until he moved his hands into a very uncomfortable position for me...and I jumped back from being a little afraid for that instant.

Criss backed off instantly and deeply apologized to me...then he kissed my hand and told me good night...then he went to his room...I watched until the lights went off in his room...and I just sat there wondering if I did something wrong...and hurt his feelings by my reactions toward him. I went into my room and just lay there in the darkness...not knowing...and feeling really guilty and disappointed with myself...so I sat up in the bed, and turned the light back on...and went over to my vanity where I grabbed my hair brush and brushed my hair...trying to calm myself down...then I finally put on my nightgown, and went out my door, and headed to Criss's door.

I put my hand on the door knob...but as I was holding it...I had a slight hesitation...I took another breath in...and slowly opened the door...and walked into the room...I strained trying to see him lying in the bed...but when my eyes finally focused in...Criss had his eyes closed, so I went to turn around and go back into my room...when he pulled the covers back and motioned for me to come lay with him...I crawled in next to him...as he snuggled up to me...and kissed me on the neck...then I fell asleep tightly wrapped in his comforting embrace.

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