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When I woke up after my nice nap...the nice lady was sitting in the chair beside me reading a very old leatherback book. I slowly sat up and looked around the room blankly...she looked up from her reading and asked me if I was hungry...I gave her an insecure smile and told her I wasn't too hungry, but I was really thirsty. She hopped out of the chair and told me she would get me some ice tea...she stopped and turned around and asked me what I liked in my tea...I politely asked her for 2 spoons of sugar, and a slice of lime if she had some...she brightened up quickly and told me that's exactly how she liked hers...then she said she'd be back in a jiffy.

Once she got back into the room and handed me one of the glasses...and as she sat back down...she asked me about my grandmother...I was more than happy to tell her all about her...that I could remember...she was waiting for me to bring up the story she told me about the other half of my soul...and because the way I was raised it was true to me...I told her what my grandmother told me...and that I was on my journey when I ran into her son Criss and his sweet little boy. Dimitra handed me the old book and asked me if I knew how to read...I told her honestly that I knew a little. I looked down at the book which was entitled 'The Split-Aparts'...I looked thru the book and read some of it...once I got to the third page...I was reading exactly what my grandmother taught me...I looked up at her and asked her if this was some kind of history book...Dimitra gave me a smile and said no, it was a very old fairy-tale story that young kids in her time were raised with...and that it was just a fictional story.

I slowly sat the book down, and had a moment of depression hit me...but then I told her that I gave my grandmother my word that I would take the journey...and find my soulmate...and I had to keep it...no matter what...even if I found him or not. Dimitra rubbed my shoulder, then told me she would leave me to my thoughts for a while...so she could get supper started. Criss came in and handed me one of my pills to help with the healing on my ankle...then sat down in the chair...he stayed very silent for a while...then asked me if there was any way he could talk me out of going on this quest in searching for something that just wasn't there...because it was very dangerous out there...and he didn't want to see or hear about me getting hurt...or worse.

I finished my tea and told him that I wasn't in any condition to go anywhere right now...but deep down I felt it was something I had to do...and if anyone knew what that feeling was like...Criss did...so he dropped the subject and told me if I needed anything to holler and he'd be right there to help me...then he poked his head back in the door and said supper would be ready in an hour or so. But before it was time to eat...I was so heavy in thought that I fell asleep again...plus with the help of the pill that he gave me, had a sleeping aid in it. Criss's brother JD and his new fiance Rachel came in carrying their 2-year-old baby girl Destiny, and JD's 14-year-old daughter Dimi...just behind them was Costa and his wife Kim along with their newborn baby girl Karalea all ready to have a wonderful family supper...Johnny was in his room playing with his stuffed bunny...when Destiny scampered in the room to play with her cousin.

Dimitra set the table and called everyone to it...Criss came in the room and gently woke me up...and helped me to the bathroom first so I could wash the sleep out of my eyes...then helped me to the table...I looked at all the family that was now staring at me. But Dimitra told them who I was before Criss woke me up, so I wouldn't have to deal with a lot of insecure and irritating questions...Criss helped me to my seat...then sat down on the other side of me. Johnny came scampering in with his bunny...and crawled up in my lap...and asked for a drink. I without thinking handed him my glass with water in it...and gave him a few sips of it...JD and Costa both looked at me...like I just did something illegal...then asked Criss if he was allowing Johnny to drink from a strangers glass.

I quickly put the cup down, and told them I didn't drink out of it yet...then added that I didn't mind drinking after this cute chubby cheeked cutie pie that was sitting in my lap...with toddler slobs 'n' all. Criss smiled and said he didn't have a problem with it...if Johnny didn't...then when I looked at their expressions I realized they were just toying with me...because they were all smiling and laughing. Dimitra came in with the main dish...and told them all to stop picking on me...JD stood up and served everyone...and when he made it to my plate he said not to worry that they always loved picking on the new company...that it took the edge off the unsubtle quietness. I smiled up at him and told him I didn't mind it at all...that I actually found it refreshing. After everyone finished eating and I got to know each of them...I bonded with them very quickly...they were all extremely nice and was full of very pleasing and colorful conversation.

After they all went home, I thanked Criss for bringing me along...that it was truly an honor to meet his very amazing family...Criss gave me a smile as he helped me to the bedroom...then as he was walking out...I asked him if he could get his mom to come in...because I could really use some help getting prepped for a shower...Criss without thinking said he could help with it...that he was a pro at it...I looked at him a little poised...then he snickered and said he'd go get her...as he said mildly humorously...that he still could have done it just as easily. Dimitra came in and shut the door playfully on her son's nose and told him that three was a crowd...as I giggled at the thought. She got the water ready then helped me out of my clothes...then she sat me down on the bath chair that she had...with my leg sticking out of the tub...and let me wash up...then after I finished she helped me out...and walked with me to the bed...after I was seated she handed me a nightgown...and shut the bathroom door, turned out my light...and wished me a good night.

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