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It was now October...and Criss and I were getting ready for two very special holidays...the first one was on October 13th which was Johnny's birthday...he was going to be a whopping 4 years old...and the second one was all of our favorite holiday...better than Easter, better than Christmas...yep Halloween...we all loved dressing up and going out trick or treating...then after it got real late...Mama D would stay with the kids and let all of us big kids go out and have fun at the Halloween Party that was always held every year...but it wasn't the only things that Criss wanted to do this year...he wanted us to get married on the night of Halloween...which was the same time Harry Houdini passed away in 1926.

I told him that was just a little too creepy to do...but he pleaded and begged for several days until finally I couldn't stand his whining any more...and told him that it would be fine...then I asked him if he was going to get married while in costume...or was at least the wedding going to be somewhat normal...Criss gave it a long thought and said how cool it would be to get married in costume...I thought about it as well and said it would be different and fun...then I gave him a peck on the cheek and told him that we were doing it...The entire family made it to Serenity on the 11th...so that they could help get Johnny's birthday party fixed up...but he wasn't at all thinking about his birthday...he was to excited about the Halloween wedding...and wondering what he was going to get to be this year...last year he was the human Jack-O-Lantern...and his daddy was Xristos old-school...and he remembered his mommy was a pretty Raggedy-Ann rag-doll.

After we all ate dinner...we all sat around and asked what we all were going to be for this years Halloween...JD said he was going to be a Mummy...Rachel said she was going to be Lady Frankenstein...Costa thought for a while and said he was going to be a Zombie...Kim said she was going to be a Witch...Criss jumped up and said he was so being Dracula this year...Sully said he was going to be a Werewolf...that way he could have a howling good time at the party...because he would be the real party animal...Sandy slapped him and said she was going to be A Playboy Bunny with the ears and the cotton tail...Criss asked me what I was going to be this year...I giggled at him and said the Corpse's Bride. Johnny jumped up in our laps and said he wanted to be Snoopy this year...I pulled him up to me and kissed him on his nose and told him he could be anything he wanted to be...Skylar was going to be a fairy...Little Dimi was going as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz...Kim and Costa's little girl wanted to be Tiffany, The Bride of Chucky.

Klayton was in the other room drinking a beer when I walked in and sat on his lap and asked him what he was going to be for the Halloween party...but I could tell he wasn't really ready for the thought of me truly marrying Criss...and it was slightly eating on him every day it came closer...but he jumped up and said he was going to be himself...for that was scary enough for anyone. I gave him a kiss and asked him not to be upset...that I loved him no matter...and that he and I could still be just as close even after I was married...that Criss already knew how he felt about me...and he was OK with it. Klayton stood up and kissed me very deeply...then left the room...Criss came in and asked me what that was all about...I looked at him and told him that Stoney was drunk and hurting...and that was his way of telling me. Criss wrapped his arms around me and told me not to sweat it...that he understood perfectly...because he would have felt the same way...if I would have chosen Klayton instead of him.

The next couple days, we all got together and got Johnny's birthday party set up...but Johnny made it clear that he didn't want a big party...he just wanted a little one...Criss gave him a kiss on the forehead...and told him that he was a very good boy...but by the time his party started...he had three tables full of presents from all the family and friends. Johnny loved playing the games more than anything...pin the tail on the donkey...bobbing for apples...hide and seek...and tag...after the full day of festivities was over it was time for ice cream and cake...along with watching his daddy perform magic for him and his friends from preschool.

After the kids all had to go home...we all cleaned up the backyard...and helped Johnny take all his new toys and presents into his room...and of course Mama D was taking pictures by the dozens...and Costa was video recording it all...it was over all a very good day...and Johnny had a blast...later that night, Uncle Klayton carried him to be this time...and tucked him in...and put his night light on...then told him night and that he loved him...then he gave Hammie a playful rub before he left the room...Mama D went to bed an hour ago...Kim and Rachel had the cards ready for us adults to play a little partner poker...even though we knew already that whoever was on Criss's team was going to win...but we all had a blast anyway...it wasn't until after midnight when we all decided it was time to go to bed...Klayton went to his room...followed by everyone else going to the other guest rooms...Criss turned off all the lights and held my hand as I pulled him up to the bedroom...after we got into our night clothes...and shut the door...we hopped in bed together...and snuggle down for a while...before Criss decided he wanted to be a little frisky before sleep time...it wasn't until around 3:00 in the morning that we finally went to sleep.

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