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Criss was holding his sleeping little man while walking me thru the house...showing me around but he stopped at his son's room, and gently laid him down in his toddler bed...and tucked him in...then held my hand, and showed me to the backyard...where the swimming pool and his secret garden was...it was by far the most beautiful place I'd ever seen...it was very enchanting. I walked with him around the pool just soaking it all in while holding his hand and admiring my new surroundings...then pulled him into the kitchen and made us both something to eat...just after we finished eating...Johnny came scampering out in his socked feet, wanting to be held for a while...until he said that he was hungry. 

So while Criss was getting him a change of clothes and getting him cleaned up...I made him a sandwich. I brought it out to the dining table...and when I sat it down Johnny came running thru the hallway and hopped in my lap...then reached up and gave me a smooch and said hi mommy...it always brought a few tears to my eyes hearing him say that. I sat him down in the chair...and he grabbed half of his sandwich...then he drank some of his juice that I poured into his glass, then he finished his other half of sandwich. As soon as 3:00 hit...Criss came thru the house and gave me and Johnny a kiss...and said he was going to head over to the Luxor and go to work. I kissed him back and told him not to work too hard...and to come home very soon...but added that Johnny and I would be just fine.

Criss gave me a smile and said he knew I would be...then he kissed me again and rushed out the door and headed off...and Johnny and I was officially home alone...so I chased Johnny all thru the house and played tag and hide and seek...then I made a huge pallet on the living room floor and turned on the very large screen television then made a batch of warm gooey chocolate chip cookies...then plopped down with him...and we watched Wizard of Oz...then he wanted to watch a cartoon called Rock 'a' Doodle...which was a cute cartoon about a rooster turning into a Vegas celebrity...but forgetting how to crow and wake up the sun...after I watched it with him...he needed to go potty but couldn't get his buckles off so I helped him get his coveralls off...then he went to the potty and when he came out he was in his birthday suit and once again the race was on!

I found him twenty minutes later hiding in Criss's large laundry hamper...I pulled him out and tickled him until he said he givsies...then I kissed him all over his cute little face...and helped him put his clothes back on...I carried him back down the stairs to notice that it was 5:00 p.m. and I was late making supper...so I plopped him back on the pallet and put in Ice Age...so he could watch that while I was cooking...I made Chicken Parmesan with marinara sauce...along with loaded baked potatoes...with broccoli and cheese for the veggie. 

Criss came in and smelt the delicious aroma from the kitchen...but tossed his jacket on the hall tree...then slid on the pallet beside Johnny and gave him a hug and kiss...then watched a little of Ice Age with him...until he heard me clanking the plates and glasses together...and Criss got up and joined me in the kitchen and helped carry the food to the table. He called Johnny to the table as he poured the juice into the glasses. Johnny slid into his booster seat and waited for one of us to snap him in...I filled everyone's plate while Criss snapped him into his seat...then we all sat around and enjoyed our first dinner in Serenity...it was a very pleasant experience...and it made me feel like I truly belonged there.

After dinner, we all three went out for an evening stroll to Sunset Park to walk off some of the meal...and to play ball with Johnny...to wear him down so he would want to go to bed when we got home...and it worked like a charm...because I ended up carrying him home...because he conked out before we made it halfway to the house...Criss offered to take him...but I wanted to hold him. So while I was carrying him...Criss carried me...because he wanted to hold me...he carried us both into the house then we tucked Johnny in and kissed him goodnight and turned his night light on...then Criss lifted me up and carried me into the bathroom...he wanted to take a nice luxurious bubble bath with me.

Which would be the first time I ever had that kind of closeness with him. But after all the time I spent with him...I was definitely ready to be with him. He was already in the bubbles...when I removed my clothes and slid in behind him...I slowly wrapped my arms around his chest...and gently rubbed my washcloth and began lightly scrubbing his shoulders and chest with it...then I slowly slid the washcloth lower...and he giggled a little...but before I could get low enough...he pulled me in front of him and took the washcloth from me and slowly and intimately lathered me up...after we rinsed all the soap off of each other...I timidly turned around...to face him and gently kissed him...he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back very passionately then he let the water out of the tub then we dried off...and he picked me up and carried me to the bed...where we shared the first night of complete passion and ecstasy...I started out a little nervous...for being my first time...but by the time we finished...I never wanted to leave him. 

Criss pulled me under him and flooded me with his sweet angel kisses...and told me that he loved me so much...I played in his hair and told him I loved him too...as he slowly drifted off to sleep in my arms...while I was gently running my fingers thru his hair...then before I went to sleep...I looked out the window at the stars...and told my grandmother...that I found my soulmate...and I truly found happiness and love...then I gave him a squeeze and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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