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I woke up early the next morning thinking that I was late...taking care of Johnny while Criss was at work...but as soon as I hopped out of bed...I saw Criss still in bed...and he was sicker than a dog...he was curled up in a little ball going thru a patch of chills...I quickly called Klayton who was over at the LAX club playing his music...and told him that I needed him to come get Johnny out of the house...because Criss caught a bug...and I didn't want Johnny catching it with his immune system being so weak all the time...he told me not to worry and he'd be right over to get him. I got Johnny's sleepover bag ready...and told him that his uncle Klayton would be over to pick him up and he was going to spend a few days with him.

Johnny didn't mind at all...because he always loved hanging with his Uncle Klayton...because he let him stay up all night with him and watch scary movies...and eat ice cream and cookies...Johnny looked up at me and asked if he could take Hammie with him...I knelt down and gave him a kiss on the forehead...and told him that he could if Uncle Klayton didn't mind...even though I knew he wouldn't care at all. 

But when he wanted to go tell his daddy bye...I stopped him and told him that I would tell him for him...because his daddy was sick...and I didn't want him to catch it...Klayton came in the house and called to his little partner in crime...and pulled him over his shoulder...then grabbed his bag...then Johnny told him not to forget Hammie...Klayton turned around and picked Hammie up with his free hand and gave me a kiss bye...then told Johnny to tell mommy bye...he giggled as he was upside down and waving bye to me...as soon as they were gone I sprayed the whole downstairs with Lysol...then I went upstairs to check on my poor sick baby boy...which I soon found out that he was a shithead when he was sick...and didn't want to cooperate at all.

I made him some chicken broth, and magically mixed some powdered medicine in it...so I could get his fever to break...then I put some Vicks vapor rub on him...so he could breath a little better...he was so miserable...I ran downstairs and got him some ice water, a can of Sprite, and the ice pack for his head...after I got everything close by...I crawled in with him so he wouldn't have to go thru it alone. All thru the day and that night...I made sure my baby boy kept hydrated...I was just very happy that he didn't have the stomach flu...because their was no way I could carry him to the bathroom every few minutes to puke...the worst thing he had was fever and chills...back n forth constantly like the yo-yo effect.

After the third day, Klayton called and asked how everything was going...but I told him Criss was fighting like crazy trying to get better...but it still wasn't safe to bring Johnny home yet...he said that wasn't a problem...that he loved being with the little guy...it was the damn cat that was driving him crazy...meowing and running all thru the house calling out for his daddy...he'd calm down once Johnny went to lay down for his nap or his bedtime...but while Johnny was up and playing...Hammie was up his ass meowing and balling for his daddy. But he quickly changed the subject and asked how I was fairing...I gave him a slight snicker...and told him that I was just a little physically tired from fussing with him...he was such a turd when he was sick...and trying to get medicine down him was like trying to make a horse drink when he wasn't thirsty.

After a whole week of taking care of my sick baby...he was finally at his last stage of getting well...where all he had was a little sniffle...he was up and around on his own...and eating solid foods...and his fever and chills episodes were officially over...and I was so thankful...Criss took a shower to wash the sickness off...then came out all full of energy...and kissed me quite a few times thanking me for putting up with his sick and awnery ass for the week...that not even his mommy could handle him that well when he was sick...that she usually got Klayton or Costa to do it...because they wouldn't put up with any of his shit...sick or not. I wrapped my arms around him and told him that I would do it all over again anytime he needed me too...he gave me another kiss then asked me why I didn't catch it...I shrugged my shoulders and said strong immune system...but deep down I was wondering if it was going to find its way back around to get me.

Klayton brought Hammie and Johnny back to us...then said he was so happy that Criss was better...as he tossed Hammie to him...then he told Criss that his cat was a pain in the ass!...when he wasn't with him. Johnny ran and jumped on his daddy and kissed him while telling him that he missed him...and was glad he was better...Klayton put his shades back on and as he handed me Johnny's sleepover pack...he said he couldn't stay...he had a lot of shit to get done on his album...I kissed him twice and told him thanks again for everything...he gave me that sexy grin of his...and said not a problem at all...then he told Johnny that they needed to do that again real soon...just without Hammie...then he gave Criss a quick kiss on the forehead...then flew out of the door.

Criss pulled me and Johnny under him and snuggled with us both on the huge plush sofa and said it was family nap time...because he was exhausted already...still just a little weak from being sick...we both kissed our daddy on the cheek and told him night...and that we loved him...Hammie jumped up on Criss's chest and curled up and went to sleep as well. Big happy family all together again.

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