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You rapidly dashed up the stairs. A few moments ago you had cut off with Naegi, to rush to class after realizing the time. You burst in the door, and announced, " SORRY, I'M LATE!" bowing to the sensei.

 "Hello. You must be Miss. (l/n)." the 20 year old man smiled at you. You looked, to see that the room was practically empty, and the few remaining were snoring. " As you can see, most gifted would rather prefer to stay at home then come to school. In fact, I'm impressed that the Super Duper High School Delinquent would even be here." He gave you a smirk.

 "I see. Although classes will be started soon, can I please use a short amount of time to go to another classroom?" You asked. " Sure, go right ahead." he took a cigarette out of his pocket, and lit it. " It's not like I care anyways." You watched the way he blew smoke rings. It reminded you of someone you saw on the newspaper. " Hey, your the Super Duper High School singer right?" You asked, remembering seeing one of his shows.

 He smirked, and you smirked back. " Yeah, a long time ago. I gave it up, didn't work when I slowly lost popularity." He answered, blowing another ring. "You remind me of someone I know." you told him. Right before you left, you spoke.

 " You shouldn't smoke. It'll ruin your voice." 

"Mmm, what a weird teacher. Anyways~ To Naegi-kun I go."  You thought to yourself, wandering around the school, looking for his homeroom. After a few moments later you found it. " Ah, there it is! My feet hurt." You whined, looking into the classroom window.

 Where you stared into the window all you saw was another pair of brown eyes staring right back at you. You dropped down, hearing a girly shriek from the other side of the door. You heard ramblings about a monster on the other side of the door. "Eh, a monster am I? Lets see how they like this." You smiled to yourself already thinking of your next prank. You took out (s/n)'s makeup kit that you stole from her when you were at home and smeared makeup all over your face and arms. 

"Urghhh!" You groaned

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"Urghhh!" You groaned. 

" Eep!" said the voice from  earlier. You snickered to yourself, holding a hand over your mouth. " Okay, burst down the door on 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!"  Although , things didn't quite go according to plan and you slammed into a person when he opened the door. You groaned for real this time, holding your head, before realizing what had happened. 

"Wait, flimsy body, blonde hair, geeky clothes." I muttered to myself.

 "Get off of me, you fool!" He pushed me off his body. " Toothpi- I mean Togami!" I called out, getting up from the floor." Ugh, Why do I keep running into you? Did I forget my wild animal repellent today." he got up scowling at you. You glared back and retorted, " Sorry my brain has a built in nerd alarm. It's been going crazy ever since I first met you."  You stared into each others eyes for a while longer, until he grunted and left the classroom. "Hmph." You said, walking towards the silent classroom. "So heeeello. My name is (y/n) (l/n), Naegi-kun's best friend, nice to meet you." You smiled at them. The room was silent except for one girl. You guessed it was the one that screamed you were a monster. 

In A Daze (Togami x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now