Love is Strange

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As usual Sensei kept winking at you all through class, and this time you couldn't ignore it.

 (After clearing away all the students and using their phones to call their parents) 

You just avoided his stare. "I tried to kiss him . . . AGAIN! What's wrong with me." You asked  yourself that all day. 

Soon the bell rang for lunch

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Soon the bell rang for lunch. You almost happily enjoyed the loud ringing in your head, pulling you away from all your thoughts. You booked it out of there, not even saying goodbye to Sensei. Like every other day you made a pit stop at the library chatting up Mrs. Hinata and she repayed you with a whole lot of her delicious candy.

 As usual, Maizono dragged you out of there to go eat with her friends. Everyone clambered over each other like a huge family.

 Oowada hanging with Chiaki. 

Kirigiri and Naegi chatting.

 Yamada drooling over Celeste.

 Fukawa hanging out with  . . .Togami? You glanced around.

 " Hey, Mai. Where's Togami?" You asked. "Oh, he came back to homeroom, wearing dirt or something. He told our teacher that he felt sick and had to go home. It was kind of weird." She shrugged, stuffing calamari into her mouth. Then squealing at the good taste. 

"Sick, huh?" You're shoulders slumped, and you looked more dejected then you should be. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Asahina pinched your cheeks. " Oh, nothing." Although your feelings were evident in your voice. "What the- Why can't I control my voice anymore?!" You thought frantically to yourself. "Yeah, what's wrong with the girl?" Oowada jerked a thumb toward me.

 " Sadness should not be seen in school!" Ishimaru screeched. 

"For real, guys. I'm fine." You smiled weakly at them. "Come on guys, I know you're not that daft. Who's the only person not here today? She's obviously sad about Togami." Kirigiri sighed. Your blood went ice cold. " Oh, yeeeeeeeah." Asahina giggled. " You're a good detective, Kyouko!" You felt the urge to fight back her claim.

 "It's not that . . . Toothpick!" You retorted. " She hesitated, I caught that!" Fukawa raised a shaky finger at me. " No, I didn't." You mumbled. "She liiiiiiiiiiikes him!" Asahina and Maizono squealed together. " Let's celebrate with donuts!" You blushed a tiny bit. " You guys are weirdos." You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, bashfully.

" You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, bashfully

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In A Daze (Togami x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now