Falling (for you)

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There you were,  dangling off the edge of a building,  staring down at your feet

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There you were,  dangling off the edge of a building,  staring down at your feet.  When moving closer to him,  you had slipped causing you to fall. "Don't worry. " Togami reassured you,  while holding onto both of your hands.  You cambered your feet onto the wall,  slowly moving up like rock-climbing.  With one last pull,  he grabbed you in his arms and you both fell on the concrete floor.  You were breathing heavily,  trying to recover from the shock of what just happened. 

You both got up,  heaving.  "Sorry, I shouldn't have brought you so close to the ledge. " He apologized.  You nodded at him,  looking away.  Looking at Togami made you realize what had even made you slip in the first place. 

"I was about to kiss him!" 

Those thoughts some,  made you flush to the brim. He seemed to have realized it to and blushed a 1,000 shades of red. "Um, uh. Thank you!" You yelled at him, before dashing off the roof a blushing mess. "Wait, (Y/N)!" He called after you,  but you pretended not to hear. Embarrassment  filling your body, you ran all the way home using the GPS on your phone,  (S/N) opened the door for you,  you ran up.  Finally, you collapsed on your bed.

  Using your pillow to bury your head

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  Using your pillow to bury your head.  "Ugh, there's no point in living anymore." You whined. A tiny voice in your head whispered to you. 'You like him, don't you?' 'Don't deny it.' You couldn't stand it at all, but no matter how hard you tried a sentence still remained in your head.

 'What if  I hadn't fallen?  . . . . . . '

 . . . . . . .

Togami POV

I sat on the edge of the building, still staring forward at the horizon

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I sat on the edge of the building, still staring forward at the horizon. "What was I doing? Even if she did like me, it's hopelessly impossible to make it work. How horrible it must be to be lovesick." I smirked to myself.

 "It's not like I like her in the slightest." 

I convinced my mind. 'You leaned in first." 'You love her, don't yooou. You want to kiss her don't yoooooooou?'  I put both of my hands to my head trying to clear my mind of those evil thoughts. No matter how hard I tried to derail my focus from a certain thought, I couldn't resist letting one insecurity slip through. 

"What if she hadn't fallen . . . .?" It made my face flush to the color of tomatoes and farther. "Ugh, tomorrow's going to be awkward." I pushed up my glasses.

 " . . .Peasants."

 Somehow, to me now. That word didn't seem fitting to describe (Y/N) anymore.


I decided to walk to school today, hoping to bump into her and clear some things up. "Cute!" I heard a voice squeal. I looked past crowds to find the source of the voice. There was (Y/N)squeezing Naegi's cheeks with a bright smile as if nothing had even happened the day before. "You and Kirigiri-san and so cute!"She continued. Naegi's face flushed, as he scratched his face bashfully.

 Naegi's face flushed, as he scratched his face bashfully

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 He was too embarrassed to speak. "Here's your jacket." She handed him back his jacket clean and folded. "T-thanks." he stuttered, wearing it right on the spot. 

"No probs! I should be thanking you." She hugged him. It made my heart pound. " Can' t . . . breathe!" he puffed out in gasps. "Sorry, Naegi-kun~" She laughed with a wink. "YOU ARE THE BEST COUPLE, although i was shipping you with maizono and (s/n), BUT STILL THE BEST!" She announced, walking side by side next to him.

My heart was caught in my throat and I couldn't seem to get any words out, a burning jealously forming in my mind. I stormed over there, probably  not in my right mind. As soon as she caught a glimpse of me, she booked it. Not even saying goodbye to Naegi. 

"(Y/N)!" I called out to her.

 She didn't even look back, her hair swinging from behind her back. I was just left alone with Naegi. " U-uh,hi Togami." he waved at me with a kind smile. I didn't speak, still surprised by her sudden disappear. I blushed a little knowing that he was staring. "L-lets just go to school, fool." I said, looking away, trying to compose myself.

 He laughed at me. " If you want to win her heart, you should know when to run after her." My face grew hotter. "Fool, peasant, neanderthal, un-educated. Of all the vile things you could have said . . ." I grew quiet at his smirking face. 

"She'll be at Maizono's house today after school. Here's her address." He handed me a piece of paper. Embarrassed, I snatched it hastily out of his hands. " I want to see her happy, after all she's also one of my precious friends." He smiled at where she ran off to. I glanced at him, then smirked.

 " You really have grown up." 

His eyes lit up.

 "Really!?" He asked excitedly. "Or not." I finished, which ended up in him sulking." Come on, lover boy. We've got a class to get to." I told him. 

"Togami, I think. You're the one who's changed."


Sorry, I didn't update daily. I had everything  until the end planned out, I as just too lazy to write. But,I'm back now so hey!

Also they're 'inner voice' is me shipping you. 

Don't mind this evil presence in your mind.

-See ya!

In A Daze (Togami x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now