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"I didn't know what was happening,"

"I was unaware."

"It happened so quickly."

"Like I was in a daze."

"I fell in love with you in a daze."

You woke up, from your feeling slightly hungover. You looked around your room, Togami no where to be seen. "Was it all . . . just a dream?" You questioned, sighing to yourself with a yawn. 

You grabbed your towel rubbing your eyes, and clambering into the shower. As soon as you came back, you saw a certain wet noodle-like man sitting on your bed reading a book. " U-uh, Togami!" You yelled, holding up your towel, since you were completely naked underneath it.

 He was just reading his book, not paying you any attention. " W-why are you up here on my bed!?" You asked. 

He closed his book, with a sigh.

 " Because waiting on your couch was just too boring." He got leaving the room, but not before kissing your face heated up. 

"It wasn't a dream!" You almost yelled, but immediate put a hand up to your mouth. 

You shut door, with a lock, slumping on the door, with a pretty dumb grin on your face. " I've got my first boyfriend!" You celebrated quietly. Then you blushed harshly.

 "How do you . . . Girlfriend properly." You mumbled to yourself.

 "Do I kiss him, do we go for dates?" Your mind swirled, when you realized that you were still naked on your bedroom floor. "U-uh, I should get ready." You spoke, getting up and moving to your wardrobe.

" You spoke, getting up and moving to your wardrobe

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You came out, (S/N) already waiting for you at the door. "Hurry up." She told you, opening the door. "Yeah, I'm coming. Where's Togami?" I asked. "He's outside, waiting for you. " You went down the stairs, when you realized. 

" Oh yeah! Today's Saturday. The day of the trip. And I didn't pack!" You screeched.

. You ran back up stairs throwing random clothes into your suitcase and running back down. " Your boyfriend, said he's going to drop me at my friend's house for a sleepover for the weekend. So hurry before he leaves us." You nodded meeting up with her.

 She raised her eyebrow, " What you're not going deny he's not your boyfriend."\

 Your face flushed and you didn't answer.

 " Seriously, you got a boyfriend before me. But that's cool I guess." she said, feeling a dejected. You laughed ruffling her hair. " Oh, I can't wait until you get your first kiss with You-know-WHO~" Her face exploded red.

 " Oh, I can't wait until you get your first kiss with You-know-WHO~" Her face exploded red

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 " Come on, we can't keep him waiting." You mocked her with a sly smile. " Y-yeah." she mumbled, running out the door with you. There you saw a huge limo waiting and an agitated Togami inside. 

" After you're done staring at it, you can come inside." He snapped. 

You closed your agape mouth. 

" Come on, we're 20 minutes late. They might have already left on the plane already he said, running a hand through his hair. You went in first, carrying your luggage behind you. (S/N) sat right next to you, with an excited to look on her face.

 Although you thought it was cool from the outside, it was even more amazing on the inside. " So cool." You breathed.

 " (Y/N), you have got to marry this guy." (S/N) said, looking out the window like a little puppy wagging its tail. 

You and Togami both blushed a little bit. " No, like seriously. LOOK AT THI-" You covered her mouth with your hand. " I think that's enough (S/N)." You seethed, casting Togami a kind look.

 A few minutes later, we dropped (S/N) and she waved to you from the window, while you waved back. You took a seat next to Togami, and you both were quiet. You didn't know what to say to him. "What do I do?" You thought frantically, biting your lip. Thankfully, he was the one who broke the silence. "I've got something to show you." He said. 

" What is it?" You asked. He opened his phone, draping an arm around your neck. You blushed silently. He flipped up a video on his screen. It was yesterday night at Yooli Bar.

 "Boo, that girl's horrible. What a bozo!" You watched yourself, run away off the stage in tears. 

Sensei was getting up about to run after you. "What, you wanted to show me what true failure looks like." You asked, looking away from him. " Just finish the video." He said, rolling his eyes. "Hey! Bring back the girl. Make her sing again!" Different voices called out from the crowd calling me back.

 Then there was a brawl in the middle of the crowd. "She was good? What are you talking about?" Alot of protesting faces surrounded the person, before it started turning a little violent. I saw a tuft of blonde hair swinging his fists. 

" Marco?" You spoke.

 Although he was one of the best fighters in school there were way too many people there and he got overwhelmed. The video quickly turned to Sensei pulling Marco out of the fight, and calling an ambulance to take him to the hospital . . . AGAIN.

 "Mysterious Duo! Mysterious Duo!" The crowd chanted, and then the video was cut off. Apparently the video of you singing went viral. " Oh my gosh, that really happened, you might want to have this. I got it from your mailbox." He handed you a little and you immediately ripped it open. 

"(Y/N) (L/N), in the rare case of having more than one ultimate talent, we  allow you to choose which title you would want to be known by. Please have your preference turned in by-" 

You couldn't continue reading, your eyes watering as you turned away from Togami. "This is just too good to be true, all of my dreams came true in just one night." You put the letter at your side, quickly wiping your eyes.

 "And I have a lot of friends I can share the news with." You hugged Togami resting your head on his chest. His cheeks flushed pink, so did yours but you didn't care.

You just wanted to enjoy that moment with him. 


I hope you enjoyed this cute little chapter with your new boyfriend, Togami!

I've got to say there are probably about 3 chapters left of ACTUAL CONTENT before I start posting special chapters and voting or whatever.

Not many GIFs, I know. Everytime I search a GIF up some of the results just make me cringe so hard.

I hope you enjoy the book and read the next chapter!


See ya!

In A Daze (Togami x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now