Lonely AS a Moth

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*Geeky-kun*- Is that really Togami


You snickered lying on the library table, texting back and forth with Naegi. You didn't even care that you were wearing a skirt with no tights. It was fun watching them stare at you.

*Geeky-kun* - Can I share it with everyone else?

Me- Go crazy, just don't tell toothpick.

Your POV

Hopefully, Maizono would for give me for ditching her at Lunch today.

"Oh, yeah. Lunch!' I screeched in my mind.

" Foooood~" I moaned, getting up from on the table, putting my phone in my bag. You stared at the Candy Jar on the Librarian's desk salivating. She cast me a quick glimpse. " Want some?" she asked. I nodded, realizing that I left my Bento Box with Maizono. She gave me a bright smile, her light chocolate brown hair tied in a bun, while her eyes shone a deep brown.

Coming closer I popped one in my mouth. "Mmm~" I said. Stuffing more in my mouth until I couldn't speak. It was watermelon flavor, it spread through your mouth melting like cotton candy giving it a sweet aroma. Like magic.

" It's good right?" I could only nod. " Yeah, I got some from the Ultimate Sweets maker. I have a bunch of them in jars in storage." She said to me, slumping her head down while supporting it with her hand. She sighed wistfully, " This huge school is mostly empty, nowadays. While the Reserve students have a smaller building , but are packed to the brim. My son is in the Reserve Course. I'm sure he has a lot of friends now."

I pointed to myself, trying to make hand gestures that I also had a family member in the reserve Course , but I mostly looked like a dying whale giving birth.

" You too? It is a pretty small world. So, I see you know Togami. He's a regular here at the library. He comes in almost everyday. Such a quiet fellow." I grew an irk mark at the mention of his name. She gave a slight giggle. " I can see you guys don't like each other very much." I shook my head. " Well, my husband and I were like that when we were in high school. We fought all the time, even at night we'd argue over the phone." She gave a short laugh. " It's nice to see that he's finally got a friend other than that stalker girl that follows him around."

I tried not to laugh and choke on the candy." I understand he can be quite . . . quarrelsome, but I think you should give him a chance. I'm positive you wouldn't regret it." She smiled at me. I grinned back. Finally I swallowed and swallowed all the candies whole. " So, what was your son's name." I asked wiping my mouth. Her eyes softened.

" His name is Hajime. Hajime Hinata."


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In A Daze (Togami x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now