Unexpected Developments

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You watched the figure tower over you, his green eyes flashing inn the dark light

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You watched the figure tower over you, his green eyes flashing inn the dark light. You stared at each other. "Marco! It's been a while!" You wrapped your arms around at your old friend, from two schools ago. You were both in the running for the title Super Duper High School Delinquent , but ultimately by a very close call you won the title.

 "Hey, (Y/N)." He smiled at you. "How'd you even get in?" You smiled widely at him. He gave a point to the vents. "Crawled in." You rolled your eyes. " Amateur, you should have snuck in from the back door near the library." Both of you shared a laugh. 

" So what brings you here?" You asked. " What? I can't see my favorite girl gangster anymore." He answered, shocked dramatically at your words. " You've mistaken me with someone. Since I've come to this school I've been (practically) a good student. Given getting drunk of the 3rd day of school." You wouldn't consider Marco as a friend.

 2 schools ago, you were both pretty high on the gang status. You used to have a lot of fights, but you joined gangs to avoid the cops seeing the fights and by association you both grew close. "Goody-two shoes, huh? The world must be crashing." He laughed.

 Suddenly you both found yourselves walking out of the classroom conversing. You really didn't want to bump into any your friends with him, you didn't want them to know what Naegi and Maizono knew, but you couldn't just ask him to go away. He had a pretty bad temper.

 "Hey, don't you have to be getting back to school soon?" You asked, as nicely as possible.

  "Oh, you really have turned soft." He chuckled. Your whole body was stiff as he draped his arm over your shoulder pulling you closer to his chest. You tried inching away pulled he pulled you closer and tightened his grip. You smiled nervously. 

"Seriously, maybe you shou-" He stopped walking and your blood froze. " Why are you trying to get rid of me, so hard?" He asked. You couldn't look into his eyes because you knew you'd be frightened to your roots. "W-What are you talking about, Marco?" You avoided the question. "Come on, lets go." You pulled him along.

 You made it to the end of the hallway. "Oops, dead end. I guess I don't know this school as much as I thought." You were about to turn back around when he pinned you to the wall. " Hey, I'll leave if you want me to. For a price." He leaned in closer. You moved back until your back was on the hard wall. 

"H-hey, lets not do this here." You squeaked out of your throat, trying to be careful  not to anger him.

 He smirked, a small chuckle leaving his lips. "You're so cute (Y/N). That's why I like you so much." You tried to keep calm, and avoid running. After all, he was faster than you. "Just need to keep stalling until Sensei gets here."  You took a deep breath. " Hey, Marco. I'm not like all the other girls from school. You might be good-looking, but I won't throw myself at you. But, if a kiss is all you need, than why not." You smirked at him.

In A Daze (Togami x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now