Lonely as a Moth (2)

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You gave a warning stare to Sensei, but he was too into his song to notice. So you bunny- danced all the way next to him then whispered in his ear that a student from school was heading this way. " Um, I leave it up to my assistant." He tipped his hat, and went down the stage while Togami finally made it up and saw you. 

You could see his face turn from shock to a smug smile. Suddenly, your cheeks were burning, getting caught by Togami looking like this. You could get caught here, but not Sensei. He could get fired for bringing a student to a bar. " Come on, sing!' A man roared from the crowd. The crowds  chanting brought you back to your senses. "I can deal with Togami, at least not now." I took a deep breath. " U-uh, um.

  Did you ever try living life with the lights off?

Feeling as disgusting as a dirty old moth.

Shunned by the butterfly.

Away from all the people's eyes. 

Oh, Oh, Oh.

You can come out of the blue.

This life was not meant for you-ooo. 

Spread your wings and fly, you'll be better than any old butterfly."

You went along with the flow, making up rhymes in your mind when you couldn't remember the words

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You went along with the flow, making up rhymes in your mind when you couldn't remember the words.  The crowd loved it, cheering you on. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks from all this appreciation. And for a second you forgot about Togami.

 But, only for that quick second. 

There was a flash. You looked down seeing Togami holding his phone, taking pictures and recording you. You felt so flustered that you stopped singing. Then, following Togami, the crowd took there phones out and started flashing photos. " Um, thank you!" You hurried down, past Sensei and hid in the women's room breathing heavily. " I hope no one sees that." You said, to yourself. "Ugh, my life is over." You changed again, the weight of embarrassment hanging over your shoulders. Outside, Sensei was there to compliment you, but truly you just wanted to go home. You decided to walk home, despite him offering to drive. 


The wind was cold blowing your hair around, the cold seeping in through the rips of your jeans and your bare shoulders. Suddenly, a Limo drove up to you, the window rolled down revealing Wet Noodle. 

"Need a ride?" he smirked. 

I gave him a fake smile and kept walking. "I'm fine, leave me alone." You said. " Hmm, I wonder who I'll share this video with." You didn't speak and just kept on walking. "Maybe on Facebook, or with the class. I'm sure Yamada would like that." He continued mocking you.

 " You forget, Toothpick-san. I still have that super kawaii photo of you and your blush." You said, in a baby voice with a snicker. That seemed to duct tape his mouth. At least for a little bit. "It doesn't matter anyways." He got down from the limo. " Drive on. I'll take a bus home." He told the driver. The limo sped off leaving only you and him. 

"What, no helicopter to take you home? Why are you so interested in a peasant like me." You scoffed. "Lets make a deal. I'll delete my video of you, and you'll delete that picture of me." He said, all business-like. " I don't feel like it." You shrugged. "Seriously." he pressed on. " Sure, fine. What about people that took photos of me there?" You questioned. "You ran down too fast, they would never had gotten a clear photo or video." He counter-acted your concerns. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't find anything wrong with the deal. "Okay, shake on it."

 You put your hand  out. 

For a second you thought he'd glaze over your hand another time. So you started putting a hand down, but then he grabbed it suddenly. You looked up, at his face, a little closer to yours.

 You stood there like that for a moment. You backed away a little. "Sorry." He let go of your hand, and the warmth escaped,the cool air making you cold again. " So deal." He said, looking away from you. You smiled, taking his hand on your own this time. "Deal!" 


He walked you home that night, telling you that its what a gentleman does. You laughed at him, telling him jokes on the way to your house. His stoic face never changed, but you could've sworn you saw a faint smile on his lips. When making it to your door, you waved goodbye to him. 

"Don't ever talk to me again."he said, right before he left. "Oh yes of course your highness, but remember. If you ever want to try out your people skills on someone, I'm here." you smiled at him. He didn't answer leaving your porch, and you went back inside.

Togami POV

I walked away from (Y/N)'s porch. A second later I heard her voice again. "Mom, (S/N), I'm home!" she announced. I flipped through my phone, coming across the video of (Y/N) when she started singing. "She has a pretty voice." I murmured to myself. A thought of her yelling at me today, this morning, made me reconsider those words. "No, it's dreadfully annoying. I should delete this."I  wanted to press the delete button, but for some reason I was hesitant.

 ' Maybe . . .  I'll delete it later.


Yeah, I know. It was kind of a short chapter  compared to the others. But, I wanted this chapter to just be about them .

Practically no pictures or GIFs on the internet for this chapter.

I wonder. Do you guys like it in 2nd person or 3rd Person better?

Hope you enjoyed.

- Anime-obsessed 

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