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We came from the airport, all nerves settled and everyone in a happy tone.

As we were getting out we saw that there were a lot of people trying to get on a plane and many planes taking out into the air.

Your mouth was open agape.

"Wha-What's happening. " You stutter.

"Everyone let go of your suitcases. Follow me!" Togami yells.

Everyone with pale looks run after Togami leaving their belongings, although Yamada and Celes were a tiny bit reluctant.

Thankfully, Sakura-chan were able to carry both of them. When we made it to the Airport entrance we saw a horrible sight.

Trees lit on fire.

Thick,smoke billowing in the air.

The sky a crimson red of fire burning.

People's screaming close and in the distant.

"Oh no. We have to go help! Where are we going?"

You think frantically.

"Young man, what happened?" You look at a pale college student, a bullet in his arm and tears on his face.

"Hope's Peak Academy, they-" That's all he got to before being shot down next to you. You tried not to stare at the corpse.

You gulp down any last remaining fears and tell the group. "Come on, to Hope's Peak Academy." You order your group stepping past his dead body and started dashing to Hope's Peak Academy.

Past blocks, past people with broken legs asking for help.

'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.' You think to yourself, when you rush past them.


You all finally all made it to Hope's Peak Academy, seeing that it was in even worse shape than the city.

There was blood splattered everywhere, kids lying on the floor as if they had just jumped down.

They were all wearing Reserve Course students clothes.

The next sight made you sick to your stomach, your eyes watering, as you hugged Togami tight trying not to cry.

It was (S/N)'s dead body strewn across the floor. "Why would she jump? What happened to the Reserve Course students?" You screamed.

Everyone looked away, not knowing how to comfort you. "It's . . . not okay (Y/N). But, we've got to keep moving now. Leave all the questions until later." He says reassuringly to you and gives you an awkward hug.

You try to smile but can't, but still you dry your tears. "Come on, let's go." You nod to them. You make it to an entrance and see Sensei holding a door open, for what seemed like a bunker.

"Go inside!" He yells at us.

You turn back to see a sniper aiming at us.

"Come on, come on, come!" He basically screams at them.

You've never seen him yell before in his life.

You all finally made it in and he shut the door. "Sensei, what about y-" That's when you heard the gunshots ram against the reinforced door.

"S-sensei!" You yell.

You can't believe this. What happened in such a short weekend ago. (S/N) was just visiting a friend.

It seemed so peaceful. Everyone else looked pale and shaken up.

That's when you all turned around, seeing Junko-senpai, their teacher all wrapped up in a blanket, and another freckled, black-haired girl working on reinforcing the pillars.

"It was horrible. The reserve Course suddenly went crazy attacking the school then attacking the town. "I barely escaped with my little sister Mukoro." She points to the black-haired girl.

The principal suddenly came out from a door, taking to us.

"You . . . Class 78. Are the only class left that are still alive. Only you. We need to reinforce Hope's Peak Academy as a shelter. A defence base. We need to start working on that immediatly. "

They all nodded already grabbing a tool and a scrap a heavy metal to stamp down.

"After you're done, come to me. I need your consent to wipe your memories." He continues.

Replies of protest came rolling in, all directed at him. Kirigiri-san was just quiet.

"Only of this schoolyear. To prevent any act of violence against each other." The crowd was reluctant, but everyone agreed to the principal's rules.

"B-but then we wouldn't remember each other." You all turn toward one another.

"Not remembering my friends. " You stare at Maizono and Naegi for a longer while and then to Togami. He nods grimly.

"It's the price to pay. What do you say?" No one objects just quietly working on reinforcing the windows.

"Togami, what if . . . we won't like each other again when our memories are wiped. I don't want that to happen. " You hug him.

"That won't happen because I love you."

Your eyes widened realizing that he finally said the word without stuttering. That only made you feel worse.

"I love you too, Toothpick." You mumble. You go up and hug everyone including Junko-senpai who you weren't too close to.

"I love all of you, which is why. We should take the deal. Friends stick together." You tell them. They don't speak only leave to get their memory wiped, then it was only you and Togami.

You kiss him for the last time ever you think you're going to kiss him. "I fell in love with you-" You cut him off.

"In a daze."


And that's all! I'll post special Chapter from time to time but this is officially completed.

I hope you enjoyed deeplyin your love with Togami.

Thanks for 700 something reads!

Goodbye and See ya! In the next story.


In A Daze (Togami x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now