Just want to change

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"You've got some explaining to do." You both said in unison.

 Glaring daggers at each other, the tension was stiff but the only thing you could see was his face. "Drugging people is a really risky side job you know." You smirked. "Don't know what in the heavens you're talking about. Though, I can now tell what a prostitute looks like."He spat. " Well excuse. Calling me one, eh? Well, that's rich coming from someone with drugs people to fall in love with them." The bickering went on, all the way until the first bell. 

" Hey, guys

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" Hey, guys. . . we should break it up now. Class is about to start." Humph." You stuck your tongue out a him, before leaving the classroom. "Bye new friends~ Please, kill Togami for me. Right before the door closed, you saw his look of anger turn into something different which surprised you. A smug smile on his face, disappearing as the the door was shut. It made you feel utterly weak and useless, as if your self-esteem had dropped about 20 notches. Basically, dragging yourself to class, Sensei's cheery ace almost made you gag. 

"Welcome, Ms.Lateness. That's a surprise considering you were the first one here today." Behind, his happy words, venom was laced between the words. "Sorry, Sensei. Cut me a little slack." You spoke, not trying so much to keep up your polite manners. Fighting with Togami really took a lot out of you.

 Drifting off to sleep , the only thing on your mind was, "Foooooooood~"

 Drifting off to sleep , the only thing on your mind was, "Foooooooood~"

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Your POV

"I don't like fighting. It's pointless, and leaves a bad taste in my stomach." I said, holding my stomach. "You mean a bad taste in your mouth." Naegi said. I was currently eating lunch on the flower ledge garden with Maizono and Naegi. "No. my mouth's is okay. It's my belly that's suffering. " You slapped him on the back with a laugh. Maizono laughed with me, while Naegi coughed, a hand next to his mouth. "What I don't get . . . is why you two were fighting in the first place?' He asked, with one last cough. 

" BEEEEEEP! Step Out of the Territory." I swiftly evaded the question. 

"I don't think she wants to answer~" Maizono giggled and whispered to Naegi. I winked at her, she flushed, then immediately moved almost a meter away from Naegi. "Well, I'm okay with that. But, guess what?! We won the Most Well-Bonded Class in the school award. We're taking a quick trip to some place a few towns over for a 2-day resort. We wanted you to come!" My mouth dropped in shock.

 "Me?!" I questioned, making sure I  wasn't going loony in the head. 

" Yeah, almost everyone took a liking to you instantly, so we're going to sneak you on the bus." Maizono celebrated. "Wow, even with Toothpick?" I asked. " Yep, he was troublesome, but we still pulled through. I think we'll be giving him the contract, since none of us want in anyway. " Naegi shrugged. "Hmph." I grumbled. " Well, thanks guys! See you there in 3 days." They both nodded with a wide smile. " Just hey, don't get kicked out again." Naegi laughed." Yeah, I wouldn't know what to do if you left again." She whined, hugging me close.

 "Yeah, me either." I whispered softly, so they wouldn't hear.

Back to 3rd Person POV

The day finally finished, Sensei calling me inside his office for another one of his talks

"Yes, Sensei?" You sighed, wondering what he had up his sleeves this time. "So . . . I know I said that this was the last time I' ask you for something. But, I have one last favor!" he asked. You gave him a bored look, noting that his hair was messed up again and his uniform crumpled. "What is it this time?" You asked. "I just want you to . . .  SIGN A QUICK RECORD LABEL WITH ME!" He rushed the last part bashfully.

 "And why do you think I would ever do that?" You questioned, angrily. " You've got a talent kid, you should share it." He said, dead serious. Leaning forward  he took out a box of cigarettes and lit a smoke. His quirky smile gone, the change was so fast it made me shiver. "Seriously, it could be good." He told you, blowing out another perfect ring. " . . . I thought you said you'd quit smoking." You said, simply trying to get the chills out of your body. Suddenly his serious demeanor was filled with shock." Ah! When did I even get it out?!" He said shocked, his baby-ish personality crashing back in again. 

"You can get scary, Sensei

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"You can get scary, Sensei." You said, truthfully.

"Oh, don't mind that it just happens sometimes." He grinned at me once again, and almost all my concerns were washed over. "I can't do record deal with you, but if you want to do some collabs, I'm down with that. After all, I'm just the Super Duper High School Delinquent. A person can't have more than one talent." You whispered the last parts. 

"For what it's worth, I don't see you as a troublemaker." He said. "Oh, you've don't know what I've done in the past." You shook your head at him. "But, I see what you're doing now. You're pretty much the most responsible student I've seen. No matter how much you sleep in class you always seem to get the best grades." He commented. You snorted, " Compared to two other people that actually come to class." 

He laughed at you, while you gave a short laugh too. 

"If you ever want to change your title, then come find me. Where I always am. Or you could find me at Yooli Bar on the weekends." I nodded. "Sure." Walking out, his words hung on you a little. " To change my title, to be a new person!" You said, almost getting excited. Then, you clamped your hand over your mouth in embarrassment looking around you. "Phew, no one's here." You sighed, gratefully. Leaving to go and find (s/n) and Naegi so that you could walk home together.

Togami POV

 I came out from behind a pillar, watching (Y/N) scamper off. "I'm glad, she''s finally gone. Change a title . . . Is that even possible?" I asked myself quietly, placing a hand on my chin. "This calls for further investigation." I took a deep breath. "It seems, I'm making a quite sooner come back to her house than I expected.  


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In A Daze (Togami x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now