Naegi's confession

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You both finally made it to the airport, some of the class already waiting for you. Everyone had small carriages except for Ishimaru he had two full-blown suitcases saying that were 'absolutely nesscary'.

You could only imagine what must be in them.

Maizono skipped up to you waving her friends up in your face. " Ooh, looks he's walking up with Togami by her side."

Your face flushed, as you hid your face behind your hoodie.

" What are you dating?" She teased you.

Both you and Togami flushed an even deeper red. She blinked. " Are you guys really dating?" She exclaimed, everyone started surrounding you again.

"C-congar-CONGGRATUALATIONS!' Chihiro started to speak was was loudly interupted by Oowada.

Fukawa was angrily chewing on a strand of her hair. "D-do. Do the thing." Maizono whispered a little way too close to your face, whispered. "H-huh?" You questioned.

" Do it! Do it!' Everyone was chanting.

You looked down, your face brighter than it was when he kissed you. "Just to get you guys to finally close your mouths." You yelled angrily at them.

You faced Togami who was staring at you dumb-struck like. You stood on your tip-toes. Closing your eyes and putting a very quick small kiss on his lips. Then you backed away hiding behind Togami, your face red.

Asahina snickered, holding a hand on her mouth.

" He looks like he's love struck."

His face morphed into anger. "No one asked you donut head." He retorted. Asahina glared at him as he glared back.

"That's. . . so cool!" You heard Naegi say, a wide smile on his face. "Thanks." You grinned at him. He went to go and stand next to Kirigiri and held her hand which she blushed at.

You decided to act more girlfriendly and held Togami's hand. He immediatly stiffened up.

His face pink.

Your POV

We all waited there chatting and waiting for everyone to show up. "Awwwww. Second couple of the day." Asahina teased.

Motioning to Yamada and Celes coming towards us at the same time.

Celes face darkened as she cast a death glare to Asahina would hid behind Oogami. "Sorry, only 2d for me. And Mistress Yasuhiro isn't really my type. " Yamada yawned. He also got glared at by Celes.

Just then the flight attendent said that the flight was open and we all boarded.

I sat on the walkway side. Naegi sat right next to me, while Maizono called window seat.

Almost 15 minutes later the flight took off.


Its been 3 hours and I was terribly bored. Maizono was asleep, lying on Naegi's shoulder. He looked so cute trying not to bother Maizono by moving.

If he wasn't dating Kirigiri-san, I'd probably be wiggling my eyebrows, nudging and teasing him.

Now that I couldn't it was way too boring.

A few more hours passed in silence. Soon the sun was going down. "Hey." Naegi whispered to me. My eyes fluttered in an instant, grateful to have any social interaction. "Yeah?" I asked.

"I'm a little tired. Can we switch places?" He asked.

"Wow, you're quite the man, Naegi." I giggled, getting up, and helping Maizono rest her head on my shoulder.

A few more moments passed and I was going to drift off to sleep. "Hey, (Y/N). Still awake?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked, with a yawn.

He shut his mouth, fidgeting with his fingers in his lap. "I need a little advice." He muttered. My eyes lit up.

'Me?! Help Naegi? OMG, I'm going to be the helper for once! I'm going to pay him back! " I had a mini-celebration in my mind.

"What is it?" I asked.

He was quiet a rising red on his cheeks.

"I fell in love with Maizono." He said in a voice barely under a whisper.

My eyes widened. "But, I'm dating Kirigiri-san currently. I don't know what to do. " He told me.

Almost immediately, I looked straight at Naegi. "Tell her!" I wanted to scream, but controlled myself to a low whisper.

3rd person POV

"If she says yes, break up with Kirigiri. She's a level kind of gal. She'll understand. You've got to follow your heart Naegi." You told him.

Your fingernails slightly brushing against his. He blushed, moving his hand away. Instead you grabbed his hand, wanting to hear his answer. His face was flushed, staring at you.

"I-I. I can't sit here a-anymore." He stood up suddenly, leaving his seat.

"Wait!" You called out quietly after him. He either didn't hear you or pretended not to. He finally vanished completly from your sight.

A few moments later Asahina replaced his seat. You greeted her brightly but, something was nagging the back of your head.

'Did I say something wrong?'


Two chapters left. No more Gifs.

I hope you enjoy, we're almost there.

What's up with Naegi and his sudden confession. Find out next time!

Sorry for the shortness.

There are 500 reads! Thank you!

-See ya!


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